5 Tips for Final Days Bucks
5 Tips for Final Days Bucks By Noel Gandy The doldrums of winter can be taxing on anyone. Short days coupled with cold temperatures can tend to get some folks in a funk. Don’t tell that to a dedicated whitetail hunter though. The days between December 21-January 10 mark the late muzzleloader portion of the […]
Late Season Whitetails
Late Season Whitetails By Noel Gandy Time, as always, is fleeting. The time from deer season a year ago to opening day seemed to take forever. We waited with anticipation for October 1 to roll around after a long summer. Now, like a vapor, it is late December and deer season is fast closing in […]
Common Myths Concerning Deer Movement
Common Myths Concerning Deer Movement By Ryan Graden In 1953 Iowa held its first modern deer season for hunters and there has been a deer season of some sort ever since. In those passing years, we’ve learned a lot about deer behavior, habits, nutrition, needs, and more. Experts in wildlife biology have used that information […]
It’s the Rut, Now What
It’s the Rut, Now What By Noel Gandy Every November there seems to be an epidemic of folks who call in sick to work. Their affliction: Buck Fever! Men and women across our state have their eyes set on a trophy whitetail and this is one of the occasions to capitalize. November marks the prominent […]
Whitetails 365: Enrich Deer Habitat with Hinge Cutting
Whitetails 365: Enrich Deer Habitat with Hinge Cutting By Aaron McKinney Practically every timber in Iowa could benefit from hinge cutting to create cover and browse for whitetail deer. Hinge cutting is when a tree is cut, about waist high, partially through. The tree then falls with the top of the tree resting on the […]
Planning Spring Food Plots for Wildlife
Planning Spring Food Plots for Wildlife By Nathan Graham When most people are planning a food plot for deer and turkey, we think of fall food plots. We think of brassicas, purple top turnips, and radishes. Maybe we even consider planting some winter wheat or rye. All these annuals are planted in the fall. Have […]
Create A Deer Haven with Timber Stand Improvement
Create A Deer Haven with Timber Stand Improvement By Ryan Graden I would have to say that a good portion of my deer knowledge has come from years and years of watching any hunting show that I could get my hands on. Yes, admittedly, maybe I spent too much time doing that, but there was […]
Killer Bobcat Calling Techniques
Killer Bobcat Calling Techniques By Troy Hoepker From our parking spot we could see the magical place where we wanted to be, high on a hill overlooking the most beautiful predator habitat you’ve ever seen. It would be a half-mile hike to get there but we knew the long walk was worth it. There was […]
Butchering: It’s In Your Blood
Butchering: It’s In Your Blood By Kent Boucher One of my favorite conversation starters is to tell the tragic story of my name. My first name “Kent” is the same as my dad’s middle name. What’s so bad about that? Well nothing, except that he got the name from his grandmother’s preferred brand of smokes. […]
Common Errors made by Pheasant Hunters
Common Errors made by Pheasant Hunters By Kent Boucher One of my favorite experiences is the sudden machine gun-like cadence of an eruption of flapping wings, accompanied by the appearance of a long streamer of tail feathers and the beautiful cola colored outline of a rooster pheasant. In the age of digital media overstimulation it’s […]