Essential Equipment for Iowa Acreages

Essential Equipment for Iowa Acreages
By Jessica Graham
A few years ago, my husband and I finally made the move to a small acreage. Our property has about half pasture and half timber ground. We had big plans to transform it into a wildlife mecca. As an Iowan, it’s essential to have the right machinery and equipment to support rural life. Whether it’s planting food plots, raising livestock, or maintaining our land, having the right tools can make a significant difference in our productivity and overall success.
Once you purchase a piece of land, you will need to perform some work to maintain it. Parcels, even as small as 5 acres can require some heavy manual labor. When we purchased our place on 20 acres, we made sure to budget in a utility tractor. You will be thankful once you have figured out the best machine to help you do the necessary work. This can vary from ATVs, side-by-sides, or a tractor. An all-terrain vehicle or utility vehicle is necessary to cover large areas of pasture ground and for hauling tools, feed, and other equipment. An ATV, UTV, tractor or four-wheeler will also help you once winter rolls around and you need to think about snow removal. Our friends have 40 acres and started with a snowplow on an UTV. They then purchased a tractor a few years later. Depending on your needs, and your machine, a simple snow plow or rear blade can help you clear your driveway. However, you might also consider a walk behind snow blower to be used around buildings, or a snowblower for your tractor. Let’s be honest, an ATV or UTV is fun to drive and can really add to the recreational part of your property too. You will get a lot more enjoyment of rural life with some sort of a four-wheeler, UTV, or ATV, but you need to make sure that you have some way to help you transport materials, brush, and farm supplies around your property.
If you have more than 5 acres, there is a good chance you could benefit by having a tractor. One of the most essential pieces of machinery for rural Iowa is a dependable tractor. Tractors are a must-have for planting, tilling, and harvesting crops, as well as for maintaining the land. A tractor is an essential piece of equipment for maintaining pasture ground. It can be used to mow, plow, and till the land, as well as for other tasks such as spreading fertilizer and seed. Implements such as a mower, plow, and cultivator are necessary attachments for a tractor to ensure the effective maintenance of the pasture ground. Whether it’s a small compact tractor for small plots or a larger one for larger fields, a tractor is an essential tool when purchasing an acreage.
Maintaining pasture ground, or CRP ground, is a vital for sportsmen who use the land for hunting or other outdoor activities. Pasture and CRP ground provides a valuable habitat for wildlife and livestock, and it’s essential to keep it in good condition to ensure the health of the ecosystem.
You will quickly learn a zero-turn mower or brush cutter will necessary to maintain the pasture and grass. Brush cutters will help while clearing underbrush and small trees in pastures. They are also useful for maintaining pasture as well as walking and recreational paths across your property. If you plan on planting clover or alfalfa, a mower or brush cutter will be your best friend to keep the grass and weeds at bay and allow your clover and alfalfa to thrive.
Food Plots
If you bought your land for hunting purposes, you will want to put in a food plot for optimum attraction and success. Creating a food plot can be a rewarding experience, but it also requires the right equipment to ensure success. The first piece of equipment needed for planting a food plot is a good quality tiller. A tiller is used to break up the soil and prepare it for planting. A small, compact tiller is ideal for a food plot because it is easy to maneuver and can work in tight spaces. A larger tiller is also an option for larger plots. You want to get good soil to seed contact and a tiller easily helps you accomplish this. You can also do this with a plow, disc, and a harrow or cultipacker.
Next, you will need a way to plant seed. Here you have options including drills, planters, various types of seeders. A broadcast seeder is used to distribute seed evenly over the soil surface. A drill is a good option for planting small seeds such as clover or alfalfa. If you want to plant grasses with a drill, make sure the drill is adapted to handle the grass seed. Only a few select brands, like Great Plains, offer options for planting different grasses. A planter is a good option for larger seeds such as corn or soybeans.
If you are planting fall brassicas, you could choose to use a broadcast spreader to seed your food plot. It is typically cheaper to buy a broadcast seeder, but you have to use heavier seed ratios when you broadcast seed. Once you broadcast your seed across your plot, you will benefit by adequate soil to seed contract by dragging a harrow or cultipacker over the food plot.
When you purchase a piece of ground with standing trees and timber on it, do not fail to consider the maintenance of the trees and timber. Maintaining timber requires a specific set of equipment to ensure that the trees are healthy. Proper maintenance of timber also involves protecting the land from unwanted vegetation, pests, and diseases.
If you have any trees at all, invest in a chainsaw. Trees fall, drop limbs, and cause unforeseen problems at inopportune times. It is essential to budget in a chainsaw, along with a log chain or tow strap to move the timber. You will also use it for cutting, trimming, and shaping trees. They come in different sizes and with different features, and it’s essential to choose the right one for the job. A chainsaw with a longer bar and chain is ideal for cutting large trees, while a smaller one is better for trimming and shaping.
Overall, the machinery and equipment needed for rural Iowa living, specifically for recreational purposes will vary depending on the specific uses. For those living in remote areas, a generator can be a lifesaver during power outages. A generator can provide power for essential appliances such as a refrigerator or a heating system, and can also be used to power tools and equipment. When purchasing your ideal land, you need to budget in the maintenance of the land. You will need tools and equipment to groom and shape the land to fit your needs. By investing in some equipment, you will be sure to keep your land in top shape and enjoy it to its fullest potential.