Wild Turkey

Public Enemy: Hunting Turkeys on Public Ground
Public Enemy: Hunting Turkeys on Public Ground By Ryan Graden Your season has come and you are rearing to go! You have a tag in your pocket and the itch to get out in the timber and chase some big Iowa Easterns. The gun is dusted off, you have the ammo, the camo, and the […]
Three Simple Late Season Turkey Tips
Three Simple Late Season Turkey Tips By Ricky Kinder Gobblers are silent, don’t respond to decoys or calls, have been breeding and fighting, and have been pressured and shot at by hunters for over a month now. If you thought early season turkey hunting was tough then welcome to late season turkey hunting! However with […]
38 Tips For 38 Days of Iowa Turkey Hunting!
38 Tips For 38 Days of Iowa Turkey Hunting! By Noel Gandy The doldrums of winter are behind us, friends! Warm, sunny days are ahead and with that comes a favorite pastime of many: Spring Turkey Hunting! Iowa offers a unique style of turkey hunting date options that incorporate four different seasons plus a youth […]
The Do’s And Dont’s of Turkey Season
The Do’s And Dont’s of Turkey Season By Ryan Graden The lull of winter is in full swing for me. Fall/winter hunting seasons have all closed and I am finding myself anticipating the next best thing. Turkey season! My mind has shifted. In my daydreaming I now see episodes of turkey hunts. When I’m driving […]
DIY Turkey Tail Mount
DIY Turkey Tail Mount By Ryan Graden As Sportsmen, we like to preserve our trophies. Sometimes it’s the size of the animal that we’ve harvested that creates the desire to do so. Sometimes it’s the uniqueness of it and sometimes it’s for the memory or the story that was experienced. Whatever the reason, hanging something […]
Traits of a Consistent Beard Collector
Traits of a Consistent Beard Collector By Earl Taylor I love turkey hunting. It will be part of my Spring routine until I can’t walk and when my trigger finger is too weak to set off a shell. Turkey hunting is the one hunt that a kid or an octogenarian can hunt with success regularly; […]
Pro’s and Con’s Of Different Turkey Hunting Methods
Pro’s and Con’s Of Different Turkey Hunting Methods By Billy Pryor When Spring Turkey season comes around, you may be lost in the many styles or tactics of a midwestern turkey hunt. You might be the traditional turkey hunter with the old fashioned roots, who sits with their back against a sturdy oak tree and […]
Springtime Magic: Turkey Hunting in Iowa
Springtime Magic: Turkey Hunting in Iowa By Troy Hoepker There is conceivably nothing in nature that can build the anticipation for the hunt that is about to take place more than the sound of multiple gobblers sounding off from nearby trees in the predawn darkness. Perhaps only bull elk rival the audible experience of the […]
Preseason Scouting for Spring Gobblers
Preseason Scouting for Spring Gobblers By Troy Hoepker Have you ever asked yourself what one thing is most vitally important to the success of any turkey hunt before it begins? Some might say that it is practicing with their trusty box call or mouth call to be able to replicate just the right sounds. Others […]
Three Simple Late Season Turkey Tips
Three Simple Late Season Turkey Tips By Ricky Kinder Gobblers are silent, don’t respond to decoys or calls, have been breeding and fighting, and have been pressured and shot at by hunters for over a month now. If you thought early season turkey hunting was tough then welcome to late season turkey hunting! However with […]