Whitetail Deer

Did I Miss Him?
Did I Miss Him? By Bailey Dodd Most people might think that middle schoolers can’t or don’t learn from their mistakes. From my experience, there are many lessons to be learned from hunting. My name is Bailey Dodd. I’m a 13-year-old girl, in 8th grade. I have been hunting, trapping, and fishing with my Dad […]
5 Tips for Planning a Top-Notch Food Plot
5 Tips for Planning a Top-Notch Food Plot By Jessica Graham Over the past decade, hunters across the state have keyed into one of the best ways to attract neighboring deer to their hunting location—food plots. Food plots require some planning and physical work to make them successful. Utilize these five tips while planning your […]
Leasing Hunting Rights Landlord or Tenant
Leasing Hunting Rights Landlord or Tenant By Dave Wessling Each year millions of people look to hunt and fish throughout the Midwest. Not all of them have free access to private land or public land and wish to pursue a lease on private land. That can work well for landowners as leasing property to individuals […]
Bowhunting 101
Bowhunting 101 By Ryan Graden So you’re wanting to give this a try? That’s great! You won’t regret it. However, I will issue the warning now. Be ready for a rollercoaster of emotions. Not to mention a commitment of time, money, and energy. Will it be worth it? YES! I’ve never met a person who […]
Patience Paid Off!
Patience Paid Off! By Cassie Dean It was October 19th… I pulled up to the field late for an evening hunt. The beans were harvested, the wind was right and the deer were moving. I had been waiting all week for this hunt! I was thinking of all the bucks on my hit list: tall […]
The Warren Holder Buck
The Warren Holder Buck – I Won the Battle, but He Still Won the War! As told by Warren Holder The story of this deer begins in the summer of 2015. We had just acquired a new piece of property. As usual with any piece of ground we acquire we start by putting trail cameras […]
12 Reasons Why You Didn’t Tag A Mature Buck This Year
12 Reasons Why You Didn’t Tag A Mature Buck This Year By Ricky Kinder In order to tag a mature buck year after year you need some luck on your side, but the hunters who consistently put a tag on an Iowa giant don’t rely on luck. Instead they rely on not making mistakes or […]
Whitetails 365: Utilizing Frost Seeding For Clover Food Plots
Whitetails 365: Utilizing Frost Seeding For Clover Food Plots By Jessica Graham As spring approaches hunters begin to plan and strategize over food plots. One staple that should be included in your food plot tactic is clover. Clover is one of the best perennial food sources for deer, and offers birds prime habitat as well. […]
Deer Management
Deer Management By Ricky Kinder If you are an archery hunter please raise your hand if you agree to the following question: Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have 1,500 acres of vast pristine whitetail habitat to hunt in Iowa? While I obviously can’t see the hands going up I could imagine most of you have […]
Sportsman’s New Year’s Resolutions
Sportsman’s New Year’s Resolutions By Gary Faith Many peoples New Year’s resolutions have to do with self-improvement. They deal with wanting to be better at work, save more money, or maybe get in better shape. Myself, I tend to make everything into, how can i improve my odds of hunting more? This form of self-improvement […]