Whitetail Deer

Whitetails 365: Pre-Season Deer Scouting

Whitetails 365: Pre-Season Deer Scouting By Noel Gandy My good friend Jeff Danker coined a phrase over these past few years that I have found myself using quite a bit: “Big Buck Work”. He even a hashtag for the slogan (#bigbuckwork). His logic is taking a trophy deer doesn’t happen on accident and the work […]


Food Plots 101: Knowing Food Plot Basics

Food Plots 101: Knowing Food Plot Basics By Ryan Graden Food plots can be a big part of hunting here in Iowa for many reasons. Do you absolutely need to have a food plot to have success hunting? No. Would a food plot be a tool in your arsenal for deer and turkey? Absolutely! If […]


Hunter Education, It’s Much More Than Just a Class

Hunter Education, It’s Much More Than Just a Class By Steve Webner Hunting is special in that it can be a solo sport, or you can get a few friends together and enjoy the outdoor experiences together. Some people are forced to hunt alone due to safety, or the lack there of, from others. Walking […]


How To Get your Kids Ready for the Upcoming Hunting Seasons

How To Get your Kids Ready for the Upcoming Hunting Seasons By Ryan Graden As much as summer months bring the warmth that we have been longing for, it also means that our hunting seasons have come to an end. Sure, there still other things to do in the outdoors. It doesn’t mean that we […]


Whitetail Summer School

Whitetail Summer School By Ryan Graden Our country in 2020 took a turn that we had never dealt with before. Covid-19 sent us into cover and, in many ways, hindered living in ways that we could never imagine. Our freedoms, to a certain degree, have been suspended by a “bug” that none of us could […]


Summer Deer Season Preparation

Summer Deer Season Preparation By Aaron McKinney It’s July and for bowhunters all across the state they will begin patterning summer deer and making plans for the upcoming bow season, youth season and early muzzleloader season. If you are like me, keeping low pressure on your hunting area is always a top priority. Mature deer […]


Whitetails 365: Strategizing with Trail Cameras

Whitetails 365: Strategizing with Trail Cameras By Noel Gandy The phrase “here he comes again” was a common displeasured utterance at my local Walmart photography department during my youth. Trail cameras that housed 35mm cameras were becoming all the rage and my brother and I had collectively received a unit for Christmas. We’d load the […]


5 Steps for an Easy DIY European Mount

5 Steps for an Easy DIY European Mount By Jessica Graham As a native Iowan I am reminded how blessed I am every October when I begin pursuing whitetails in a state notorious for producing trophy class deer. Once the hunt is over, when we have harvested a mature buck, we seek a way to […]


Whitetails 365: Maintaining Clover Food Plots

Whitetails 365: Maintaining Clover Food Plots By Jessica Graham From my hunting stand, I watched the 11-point buck bedded down in the clover field through my binoculars. Thanks to the establishment of clover on our small property, my husband and I were able to hold and attract neighboring deer to our place, and in this […]


Whitetails 365: Please and Thank You

Whitetails 365: Please and Thank You By Noel Gandy I recently had a conversation with a good friend where he said he’d sure like to hunt a particular block of timber. I asked if he had sought permission to hunt said timber to which he replied, “No.” When I questioned as to why there was […]