Whitetail Deer

Whitetails 365: Hunting Iowa’s Gun Seasons 2022

Whitetails 365: Hunting Iowa’s Gun Seasons 2022 “I Got Him Daddy, I Got Him?” By Noel Gandy One of the greatest instances of my personal hunting career had very little to do with me pulling a trigger and more to do with the fact that my son had just put a well-placed shot on his […]


Hunting the Late Archery Split

Hunting the Late Archery Split By Jessica Graham For bowhunters, it does not get much better than hunting the rut. Deer are active during daylight hours, anything can happen, especially if an estrus doe is in the timber. It amazes me how one doe can have a buck guarding her, chasing off other bucks that […]


Late Season Muzz – What’s the Buzz?

Late Season Muzz – What’s the Buzz? By Ryan Graden I grew up shotgun hunting with the same great group of guys every year from the time I was about thirteen until I was in my early twenties. I looked forward to the first weekend in December as if it were a holiday finding it […]


When the Pressure (Hunting) is High!

When the Pressure (Hunting) is High! By Ryan Graden I grew up hunting with a great bunch of guys from my church. Most of them were farmers who had plenty of land and enjoyed the company of a city boy and his dad. Deer drives were our method of hunting and with these guys on […]


Public Land Bucks

Public Land Bucks By Gary Faith When it comes to chasing of public land whitetail, I am constantly looking for that tip or tactic that is going to drastically swing the momentum of opportunity my way. I’m always searching for the hidden secret that will allow me to be ahead of the curve. Truth be […]


Why Prescribed Burns are Needed

Why Prescribed Burns are Needed By Steve Weisman Each spring we can see clouds of smoke billowing up from both state wildlife areas and on private tracts of grassland all across northwest Iowa. Oftentimes I will hear people questioning or complaining about the fire eating up the spent grasses from the previous year or even […]


Whitetails 365: A Life Changing Fall: Treestand Safety from an Injured Hunter

Whitetails 365: A Life Changing Fall: Treestand Safety from an Injured Hunter By Noel Gandy “You’re so young that I don’t really want to do back surgery, but, be prepared to make some adjustments to how you live your life”. These were the words that were uttered to me by a specialist at Southern Bone […]


Avoiding Paralysis by Analysis During The Rut

Avoiding Paralysis by Analysis During The Rut By Kent Boucher “Yeah, Staci and Hannah said they saw a big buck bed down with a doe over by the burn pile last night, when they were cruising around on the Ranger. I’m not sure if he’s still there or not…” Those were the words of my […]


Effective Strategies for Hunting November Food Plots

Effective Strategies for Hunting November Food Plots By Jessica Graham I always like getting settled into my treestand early in the morning. It is a chance to debrief from the world in peace and enjoy God’s creation. On this frosty November morning I was hunting over a 3-acre food plot consisting of brassicas and alfalfa. […]


Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible By Noel Gandy Every October and November I scroll through Social Media and think the same thing: “Man, this guy kills a monster every year. He must have it figured out.” My mind may also tend to wander toward the “L” word as well: Luck. We’ve all heard the phrase, “Luck Is What […]