
Chasing Ice Out ‘Eyes
Chasing Ice Out ‘Eyes By Steve Weisman Ice out! Those two words create a feeling of excitement for walleye fishermen in northern Iowa. Two of those anglers, Kevan Paul, owner of Kevan Paul’s Guide Service out of Clear Lake, and Laef Lundbeck, owner of Blue Water Guide Service out of the Iowa Great Lakes (Royal), […]
Using Your Eyes to Catch Fish
Using Your Eyes to Catch Fish By Steve Weisman My favorite ice fishing occurs when I can sight fish, actually watch the action below the ice with my own eyes. To me, it’s the ultimate. To be able to watch the fish approach the lure, to see its response to the presentation and then (hopefully) […]
Icey Eyes
Icey Eyes By Ben Leal Iowa is in the heart of the ice belt and anglers throughout the Midwest will venture North, South, East or West to test their ice fishing skills on our local waters. Some areas like West Lake Okoboji for instance are on many a hit list for large bull bluegill. Other […]
Late Fall Strategies for Cold Water
The bite of cold has overcome Iowa by now, whitetail bucks are in rut and waterfowl hunting is picking up. With so many outdoor related distractions the thought of fishing takes a back burner to many. Even I find myself trading the rods for a shotgun at this point and celebrate the excitement of ice […]
Night Eyes: Fall Techniques for Catching Walleye at Night
Fall is a transition time for many species of fish, especially predators like walleye. This is the time of year when feeding becomes heavy and big fish are a realistic goal. Presentations change as the season progresses and the water temps cool but that is one of the beauties of Fall fishing! Night time is […]
Taking A Look At Walleye Stocking Data
Once again the DNR’s gill netting process on the Iowa Great Lakes was a huge success. As a result, the Spirit Lake Fish Hatchery was able to harvest enough eggs to produce a new stock of fish for many of the states lakes and streams. This year more than 3,300 walleyes were taken from Big […]
Basic Fishing Rigs Every Angler Should Know!
The State of Iowa is a diverse region offering anglers across the area a wide range of opportunities to chase after their favorite quarry. Whether you chase after bass, walleye, crappie, bluegill, catfish or any of the other 148 known species in Iowa, there are times when a special or specific fishing rig can help […]
I.O.W.A. (Ice-fisherman Out Wandering Around)
Even though most Iowans don’t realize it, Iowa is on the doorstep to the ice belt. It’s hard to say that we’re the center of the ice belt, but head anywhere in a northerly direction out of the state and you’re going to run into world-class ice fishing destinations. After traveling to fish in the […]
Sight For Sore Eyes….
Iowans have a lot to be thankful for. Of course, being a native Iowan, I may be a little biased. Even as ice anglers, Iowans have lots to be thankful for. While Iowa isn’t the “Land of 10,000 Lakes”, we do definitely have some great hardwater fisheries. Probably at the top of my list is […]
‘Tween Topics
So, here we are. You’ve made it through your first summer of serious research and development concerning your progress in the art of angling and now, instead of getting better, things seem to be getting worse as results go and the days are getting shorter. Don’t feel like the lonesome stranger. When it comes to ‘strange’ nothing quite […]