
Rooster Recap

Rooster Recap By Troy Hoepker How rare is it in your life when you wake up knowing that the day ahead of you is about to be so special that you will remember it for the rest of your life? And how rare is it that there will be someone else there that will share […]


10 Myths about Food Plots

10 Myths about Food Plots By Jessica Graham It is no secret that food plots play a primary role in attracting and holding a diverse wildlife population on your property. A recent study confirmed that starvation is the third biggest attributor to deer mortality. Planting a food plot will aid the survival of deer in […]


Reasons why you won’t Harvest a Turkey this Year

Reasons why you won’t Harvest a Turkey this Year By Ryan Graden I’m already playing the hunt over and over in my mind. Knowing that in a few short months, I will be back in the timbers coaxing a big Iowa Eastern steadily towards me as he continues to thunder his call over and over […]


Take a Kid Fishing

Take a Kid Fishing By Todd Reed Fishing has been a huge part of my life from a very early age. I can remember begging my dad to take me fishing on the weekends. He worked six days a week, church on Sunday mornings, but I just knew a father of seven kids wanted to […]


Whitetails 365: Year Round Management for a Thriving Deer Season in 2024

Whitetails 365: Year Round Management for a Thriving Deer Season in 2024 By Aaron McKinney In May, a lot of Iowa Sportsmen shift their focus from deer to turkey and fishing. However, for some of us, we are always planning and doing what we can for the upcoming deer season. There are some things you […]


Embracing the Serenity: The Benefits of Summer Fishing in Minnesota

Embracing the Serenity: The Benefits of Summer Fishing in Minnesota By Joe Henry As the winter snow melts away and the land awakens with vibrant greens, Minnesota becomes a haven for anglers eager to explore its abundant lakes, rivers, and streams. Summer fishing in the Land of 10,000 Lakes offers a wealth of benefits beyond […]


May Fishing Tips

May Fishing Tips By Nathan Graham Probably my most, favorite time to fish is in early spring. It is a new reason to get outside and see a new side of nature that you have missed since last year, and don’t realize it until you’re standing in it. Now is the time to pack a […]


Getting Youth Involved in Turkey Hunting

Getting Youth Involved in Turkey Hunting By Jessica Graham I remember sitting in the timber, listening to the song birds wake up and the first gobbles begin. At this time, I was a young hunter, and I just was so excited to get to hunt or to tag along with my dad or uncles turkey […]


A Practical Plan to Purchasing Iowa Recreational Ground

A Practical Plan to Purchasing Iowa Recreational Ground By Jessica Graham If you’re an Iowa outdoorsman, you have probably dreamed of owning your own land, a piece you can call your own. A place to cast a line, blaze a trail, or just sit under the stars and connect with our creator and nature. We […]


Catfishing the Less Traveled

Catfishing the Less Traveled By Brad Durick Humans are creatures of habit and generally looking for the easy way of doing things. This goes with our lives and in many cases our fishing. I remember reading a catfishing book many years back when I was getting started and the author pointed out that many anglers […]