
Digital Hunting Maps And How To Use Them
Digital Hunting Maps And How To Use Them By Nick Johnson It’s crazy to think back ten to fifteen years ago and relive the days when a very important tool for me in terms of hunting was a hard copy of the Iowa Sportsman’s Atlas. I still have that Atlas somewhere tucked away in storage, […]
Wild Edibles and How To Use Them
Wild Edibles and How To Use Them By Ryan Graden When COVID hit, he world went crazy! And rightly so. None of us knew what this meant for our population. What was in store for us? Rather, what was NOT in the store for us! I remember going to purchase groceries shortly after lockdowns hit […]
Walleye Fishing
Walleye Fishing By Ben Leal Ask any freshwater angler what is a sought-after fish for table fare, and you’ll get a resounding response, “walleye.” Sure, crappie and bluegill will come up in that conversation as well, but walleye, by far, will always be on that list. The common name, “walleye,” comes from the fact that […]
Springtime Magic: Turkey Hunting in Iowa
Springtime Magic: Turkey Hunting in Iowa By Troy Hoepker There is conceivably nothing in nature that can build the anticipation for the hunt that is about to take place more than the sound of multiple gobblers sounding off from nearby trees in the predawn darkness. Perhaps only bull elk rival the audible experience of the […]
Snow Goose Hunting on a Budget
Snow Goose Hunting on a Budget By Nick Johnson At first glance you might scoff at the title and think, “that’s not possible”. Those who have dabbled or jumped head first into the snow goose game know that things can get expensive in a hurry so I will forgive you for scoffing. Snow goose hunting […]
Iowa Ice Hotspots for Crappie
Iowa Ice Hotspots for Crappie By Ben Leal November of 2019 will be remembered by the sudden blast of cold that blew into the State early in the month…Anglers across Iowa, especially those in the central portions of the state were talking about being on the ice by Thanksgiving. As I sit and hammer out […]
The Good and Bad Yellow Bass
The Good and Bad Yellow Bass By Todd Reed What: Yellow Bass are an invasive species in some lakes around Iowa. They are not meant for lakes but have found their way into some, and typically means the lake will not survive. Yellow Bass are in the same family as the white bass and striped […]
The Controversy of Coyotes
The Controversy of Coyotes By Troy Hoepker Coyote hunting contests have risen in popularity in recent years and while they have increased the interest in hunting, they have also drawn a shining light of focus from anti-hunting groups and animal rights activists as well. The controversial type of hunt that is involved with these contests […]
12 Reasons Why You Didn’t Tag A Mature Buck This Year
12 Reasons Why You Didn’t Tag A Mature Buck This Year By Ricky Kinder In order to tag a mature buck year after year you need some luck on your side, but the hunters who consistently put a tag on an Iowa giant don’t rely on luck. Instead they rely on not making mistakes or […]
Whitetails 365: Utilizing Frost Seeding For Clover Food Plots
Whitetails 365: Utilizing Frost Seeding For Clover Food Plots By Jessica Graham As spring approaches hunters begin to plan and strategize over food plots. One staple that should be included in your food plot tactic is clover. Clover is one of the best perennial food sources for deer, and offers birds prime habitat as well. […]