
Summer Deer Season Preparation
Summer Deer Season Preparation By Aaron McKinney It’s July and for bowhunters all across the state they will begin patterning summer deer and making plans for the upcoming bow season, youth season and early muzzleloader season. If you are like me, keeping low pressure on your hunting area is always a top priority. Mature deer […]
Whitetails 365: Strategizing with Trail Cameras
Whitetails 365: Strategizing with Trail Cameras By Noel Gandy The phrase “here he comes again” was a common displeasured utterance at my local Walmart photography department during my youth. Trail cameras that housed 35mm cameras were becoming all the rage and my brother and I had collectively received a unit for Christmas. We’d load the […]
Summer Pan Fishing
Summer Pan Fishing By Todd Reed When the weather is hot, the panfishing can be hot too, if you know where to locate fish in your nearby lake. Hot summer days with a mild breeze are great days to get outside and enjoy some panfishing. This can easily be done with a boat or small […]
Bowfishing By Nick Johnson Over the years fishing has morphed from being necessary for survival to a leisurely activity enjoyed by all ages. With the shift in the fishing objectives came rules and regulations making the sport of fishing one of conservation. Catch limits and length limits are enforced to allow fishermen to keep some […]
Fishing West Okoboji
Fishing West Okoboji By Steve Weisman One of the reasons for my moving to Estherville back in 1978 was its location to the Iowa Great Lakes. I was intrigued by the diversity that these lakes offer. No matter the time of year, there always seems to be something biting, especially this summer season where it […]
Iowa’s Biggest Off-Highway Vehicle Park
Iowa’s Biggest Off-Highway Vehicle Park By Jessica Graham Some of my best memories during my teenage years encompass four wheeling with friends. Four wheeling for youth is often their first introduction to driving and is a chance to make mistakes and learn from them. I am very thankful for those years and memories and the […]
Public Enemy: Hunting Turkeys on Public Ground
Public Enemy: Hunting Turkeys on Public Ground By Ryan Graden Your season has come and you are rearing to go! You have a tag in your pocket and the itch to get out in the timber and chase some big Iowa Easterns. The gun is dusted off, you have the ammo, the camo, and the […]
Fish like a Guide does to Stay on Fish
Fish like a Guide does to Stay on Fish By Todd Reed Iowa is full of great rivers, lakes, ponds and streams. Most have plenty of fish to keep a person busy all day long. Whether you fish for bluegills, bass, muskie or anything in between we have all had our great days, and we […]
Top Walleye Spots in Iowa
Top Walleye Spots in Iowa By Ben Leal Ask any number of fresh water anglers what one of the most sought after fish for table fare is and you’ll get a resounding response, “walleye”. Sure, crappie and bluegill will come up in that conversation as well, but walleye by far will always be in that […]
Reliable Catfish
Reliable Catfish By Brad Durick As catfishing grows across the United States it has become more about what to catch them on than how to catch them. Catfishing can be as simple or difficult as you want to make it. Understanding them and how they operate like anything is the key to success. Also, like […]