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Exploring Iowa’s Pheasant Heritage
Exploring Iowa’s Pheasant Heritage By Troy Hoepker I venture to guess that Iowa residents of Black Hawk, Grundy, Butler and Bremer counties in 1901 and 1902 had to wonder, “What is this mysterious bird that seemingly appeared on the Iowa prairie almost overnight?” It’s large chicken-like size, beautiful plumage and distinct white stripe encircling the […]
Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible By Noel Gandy Every October and November I scroll through Social Media and think the same thing: “Man, this guy kills a monster every year. He must have it figured out.” My mind may also tend to wander toward the “L” word as well: Luck. We’ve all heard the phrase, “Luck Is What […]
“Daddy, I’m big enough to go too”
“Daddy, I’m big enough to go too” By Troy Hoepker When you’re 6 years old it’s just plain hard to watch Dad load the truck and then disappear with your puppy for a morning of pheasant hunting without you! That’s especially true when your older brother, who is old enough to hunt himself, sometimes gets […]
Iowa’s Hidden Gem: Water Trails
Iowa’s Hidden Gem: Water Trails By Ben Leal Iowans are blessed with some of the richest and abundant fishing, hunting, hiking, boating and canoeing opportunities in the country. We can cross this state from north to south, east to west in about four hours. Any activity you’d like to participate in is easily accessible in […]
Summertime Slabs
Summertime Slabs By Ben Leal Ah, summertime… that time of year when we’re all looking for a place to cool down. The average day in August typically reaches highs in the mid-’80s, and lows will dip down to the mid-’60s. We have had, as you all know, days and even weeks that will reach up […]
Cane Pole Crappies
Cane Pole Crappies By Steve Weisman One of the sought-after fish on our Iowa lakes are slab crappies. When the month of May comes and the temperatures move into the upper 50s, crappies begin to move shallow into their spawning areas. Optimum spawning temperatures are between 68-72 degrees. Kevan Paul, who owns Kevan Pauls Guide […]
Successful Iowa Duck Hunting
Successful Iowa Duck Hunting By Nick Johnson Long at last, waterfowl season is upon us once again. This is a time of year that I have cherished since my early years as a hunter and something that reignites the excitement and passion, no different than October 1st for the bow guys and gals, or that […]
An Iowa Treasure Hunt
An Iowa Treasure Hunt By Ryan Graden I am an Iowa boy to the core! Don’t get me wrong, I like to travel and see other places in our great nation. However, even during my short retreats elsewhere, I’m always missing my home here in Iowa. I love the history, the surroundings, the people, the […]
Summer Patterning Tips and Tricks
Summer Patterning Tips and Tricks By Noel Gandy Independence Day is annually celebrated on July 4th. It is the anniversary of the publication of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain in 1776. Patriotic displays and family events are organized throughout the United States. Fireworks are popped, hotdogs are consumed, and generally a good time […]