

Iowa Land for Sale


When Coyotes Won’t Commit

When Coyotes Won’t Commit By Troy Hoepker Their howls cut through the cold air with fresh exuberance but they held their advance stubbornly at the ridgeline to my west. Darkness was approaching on that cold winter’s afternoon that found me deep in the heart of a large tract of some of Iowa’s public hunting land […]


Whitetails 365: Is Trail Camera Technology Ethical for Today’s Hunter

Whitetails 365: Is Trail Camera Technology Ethical for Today’s Hunter By Aaron McKinney The use of trail cameras in hunting raises ethical considerations. Some argue that trail cameras can give hunters an unfair advantage, as they allow hunters to monitor game movement and behavior in a way that would not be possible without the camera. […]


Tactics for Calling Shy Toms

Tactics for Calling Shy Toms By David Holder This hunt is going to be over before even starts! One of the best feelings is when the tom in the tree a hundred yards in front of you is hammering at everything from songbirds to the soft tree yelps you are throwing at him. Ten minutes […]


Foraging for Mushrooms – A Hidden Iowa Treat

Foraging for Mushrooms – A Hidden Iowa Treat By Ryan Graden It dawned on me a few years ago that “hunting season” doesn’t have to end on January 10th every year here in Iowa. It’s true! Yes, most of the animals that we pursue as hunters are no longer legal to take, however, your “hunting” […]


Making the Cut: What Knife is best for you this Season?

Making the Cut: What Knife is best for you this Season? By Aaron Stonehocker When it comes to hunting, there is no shortage of age-old debates that hunters like to dive into: archery vs. firearms, meat hunter vs. horn hunters, fixed blade vs. expandable broadheads, 6.5 Creedmoor vs. B-52 bomber to name a few. One […]


Exploring Iowa’s Water Trails

Exploring Iowa’s Water Trails By Rod Woten Iowans are blessed with many rivers, creeks, lakes and reservoirs that are perfect paddling whether they choose a canoe, kayak or even an inner tube. These waterways will take you through a variety of areas that are significant to our state whether from a historical, cultural, geological, or […]


What’s In my Pack?

What’s In my Pack? By Jessica Graham We are finally approaching the days turkey fanatics look forward to every year, the opening days of turkey season. Turkey hunting captivates hunters with exciting and adrenaline-fueled experiences of toms strutting and gobbling all around. It blends the thrill of the chase with the peaceful beauty of the […]


Fish The Bite… All Day Long

Fish The Bite… All Day Long By Rod Woten By now many ice anglers are well aware of what is often referred to as ‘the golden hours” of ice fishing; those couple of hours that separate dawn from daylight and daylight from dusk when the sun is at the top of the trees and the […]


Bridge Hopping for Spring Beaver

Bridge Hopping for Spring Beaver By JD Rogge Late January brings an end of season for the majority of Iowa’s fur bearers; the lone outlier is beaver. Beaver provide opportunities for the motivated trapper to take fur well into April. Spring beaver trapping not only provides trappers with more outdoor opportunities, but helps secure permission […]