
A Day of Giants: Bowfishing Adventure
A Day of Giants: Bowfishing Adventure By Nick Johnson It was a day with an outcome that wasn’t planned. Myself, and good friend Eric Katzenmeyer were set up to fish for bass in Cedar Lake just west of the twin cities. Eric lives in the area and we thought it would be fun to stop […]
How to make your Farm Pond a Fish Haven
How to make your Farm Pond a Fish Haven By Ben Leal The song of birds in the meadows and fields greet a cool Iowa morning. The family car is loaded up and ready to make the short drive to Grandpa’s house for a day of family fun. Pulling up to the house, the kids […]
Bad Weather Bass
Bad Weather Bass By Todd Reed Vacation time has been put in for, the cabin is rented and supplies are bought…and then Mother Nature ruins your plans to enjoy some bass fishing on your favorite lake/river. What are you to do? You should get in that vehicle and go catch some bass! Mother Nature can […]
Transition Walleyes: Post Spawn Behaviors and Tactics
Transition Walleyes: Post Spawn Behaviors and Tactics By Nick Johnson Many walleye anglers define this time of year as the post spawn blues. Depending on how the spring has gone, whether warm temps have held or cold temps prevailed this can hold some truth. I like to think of this time of year as an […]
Spring Whitetail Work For Fall Success – Podcast
Chasing Ice Out ‘Eyes
Chasing Ice Out ‘Eyes By Steve Weisman Ice out! Those two words create a feeling of excitement for walleye fishermen in northern Iowa. Two of those anglers, Kevan Paul, owner of Kevan Paul’s Guide Service out of Clear Lake, and Laef Lundbeck, owner of Blue Water Guide Service out of the Iowa Great Lakes (Royal), […]
Tank of Gas Sportsman Getaways
Tank of Gas Sportsman Getaways By Earl Taylor The thought of a fancy vacation, complete with Disney World or a visit to the Grand Tetons is every parent’s hope; but reality sets in when the billfold is thin and time off from work is limited. Sometimes, life consumes us. You may need to break up […]
The Mighty Mississippi River – Podcast
Pre-order the Iowa Sportsman Atlas Today!
THE 2020 IOWA SPORTSMAN ATLAS IS ALMOST HERE!!! For only $24.95 you can pre-order your copy to receive $5 off the regular price. Just click on this link below to pre-order today!
50 Ways To Bide Time As An Offseason Hunter
By Kent Boucher If you are like me your favorite hunting season is when you feel most alive. Calling upon skills you haven’t used for a year, clearing your schedule of nearly all other responsibilities and breaking the gaze into the digital abyss are just a few of the rare indulgences we get to enjoy […]