
Fishing West Okoboji

Fishing West Okoboji By Steve Weisman One of the reasons for my moving to Estherville back in 1978 was its location to the Iowa Great Lakes. I was intrigued by the diversity that these lakes offer. No matter the time of year, there always seems to be something biting, especially this summer season where it […]


Fish like a Guide does to Stay on Fish

Fish like a Guide does to Stay on Fish By Todd Reed Iowa is full of great rivers, lakes, ponds and streams.  Most have plenty of fish to keep a person busy all day long.  Whether you fish for bluegills, bass, muskie or anything in between we have all had our great days, and we […]


Reliable Catfish

Reliable Catfish By Brad Durick As catfishing grows across the United States it has become more about what to catch them on than how to catch them. Catfishing can be as simple or difficult as you want to make it. Understanding them and how they operate like anything is the key to success. Also, like […]


Skills Every Angler Should Know

Skills Every Angler Should Know By Dan Turner So many of us go fishing or hunting like it’s second nature. We know how to tie knots, how to load and unload a boat, and even basic survival skills. Many of us have learned these skills since we learned how to walk, but many people never […]


Chilly Open Water Cats

Chilly Open Water Cats By Brad Durick Spring is here (or should) be. After a long winter we all are ready to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. The ice is off but the water is still cold. It is not yet pre spawn yet catfish are starting to come alive. Spring brings new […]


Kayak Bass Fishing

Kayak Bass Fishing Article by IYAK If you are like me, you grew up watching bass boat tournaments on TV. Most people thought that looked like fun, but bass boat tournaments are a significant investment when you get the bass boat, truck, trailer, gas, and upkeep. Kayak tournaments are just as fun and more affordable […]


Planning Your Next June Catfish Destination

Planning Your Next June Catfish Destination By Brad Durick June is here, and with it comes cooling summer evenings; the time when bank lines are set and fishermen across Iowa seek out channel catfish. The summer feeding patterns can be some of the most exciting and rewarding times to catch those cats. Many catfish anglers […]


How To Take A Kid Fishing

How To Take A Kid Fishing By Todd Reed Fishing is in full swing, and there is nothing better than a special fishing trip with a child. It doesn’t matter if the child is five years old or 15 years old, that child has dreams of catching fish and having a good time with a […]


Early Spring Fishing: BASS

Early Spring Fishing: BASS By Todd Reed April cold water bass fishing can be one of the most challenging times of the year to follow and catch these fish.  However, if you study the weather, choose the correct baits, and know where to begin looking for bass you will be one up on the average […]


Becoming A Better Catfish Angler

Becoming A Better Catfish Angler By Brad Durick Catfishing is exploding in the United States. In many circles it is considered the fastest growing segment of fishing. While some long time catfish experts deny this increase in anglers and insist it is just people coming out from the shadows and being seen like they never […]