Reasons why you Should Still be Fishing

Reasons why you Should Still be Fishing
By Todd Reed
The fall months in Iowa are very special for those that love the outdoors. Hunting seasons have begun and more will soon open for different species. However, as an Iowa Sportsman I turn to the water just as much or more during these late season months to fish. There are many reasons I choose to stay on the water this time of year.
First, this time of year gets busy for a lot of people, as it does for me as well but taking the time to get out fishing has its rewards. With the lack of other anglers you may have the lake to yourself on a cool, crisp October morning. To me, there is nothing sweeter than some peace and quiet while catching some fish after a long week of work. As other anglers get busy with football games or hunting activities it can leave you endless possibilities on the water. With the lack of other anglers the areas of lakes and rivers open up. No more waiting to try a spot while someone fishes it. Don’t be afraid to throw that simple spinnerbait, most bass haven’t seen one for awhile. During the fall anglers that stick it out do not have to worry about fish being pressured and baits and lures being worn out by other anglers.
Next, the fish you are chasing are gearing up for winter. As the water cools into the 50’s all species of fish will go into their annual fall feed. The fish know that winter is approaching and they need to gather up as much energy as they can before going somewhat dormant for stretches of time. During the right type of weather this month can produce your best catches of the year for that very reason.
Another reason you should enjoy more fishing this month is the behavior of the fish. As mentioned earlier the fish can be very hungry during this cool season, live bait and artificials both can work very well. During these cold months fish usually tell you very quickly what they like for the day. If you are chasing panfish always have some live bait ready to go. The water can be very clear at this time of year and a wary bluegill may only succumb to a live worm. Crappies can have the same attitude and only take a certain size of minnow, and won’t bother with any plastic baits. However, some days it simply doesn’t matter, they are hungry and everything looks tasty, those are the days when anglers can have stories to tell for the rest of their lives. Mix up those baits and see what the fish are hungry for, they will have their favorite, and hopefully you have what they want.
Trophies! This is another reason that you should not have your fishing gear put away. Like the spring, the fall season produces a lot of trophy fish. I am not sure of the reason, I am sure it plays into less fishing pressure, better water quality and the “fall feed” but it happens each and every year. No matter if you like gills, crappies, bass, walleye or cats, late fall could produce your largest fish of the entire year. I strongly believe that fish are like humans during the summer months, just trying to survive the heat. Once the summer heatwave is over and the water starts cooling the fish become much healthier. They have thick bodies and beautiful coloration on their skin. Make sure and have your cameras ready to practice CPR, Catch, Photo and Release while fishing for your favorite species of fish, you may catch your biggest ever.
What’s better than a fresh fish fry? Nothing, and that is another great reason to hit the water this month. I rarely keep fish in the summer months simply because it is hard to care for the meat properly by the time you fillet your catch. In the fall fish stay lively and the meat is much easier to care for by the time you get to fillet it. A great eating fish is the walleye, which seem to come alive in the cold, fall months. This species can be found in any river in the state and many lakes too. Many times while fishing for other species you may get a bonus walleye or northern pike, another great tasting fish. These, along with your other favorites like crappies and bluegills can provide a good, healthy meal for your family and friends.
A final reason to still have those poles ready to go is the natural beauty of Iowa is on full display. It has nothing to do with fishing, but looking around the lake or river and seeing the colors painted on the trees by Mother Nature can steal your attention away from even the best day of fishing. Getting outdoors this time of year is special, catching fish is a bonus. I hope you get the chance to get out this month, I know I will be floating around until the ice forms looking for that next bite!