
Essential Equipment for Iowa Acreages
Essential Equipment for Iowa Acreages By Jessica Graham A few years ago, my husband and I finally made the move to a small acreage. Our property has about half pasture and half timber ground. We had big plans to transform it into a wildlife mecca. As an Iowan, it’s essential to have the right machinery […]
Colder Weather Coon Trapping
Colder Weather Coon Trapping By Joshua Jones Picture this scenario as a trapper: It is Friday night before the opening day of the trapping season in Iowa and you are loading the truck with all equipment you may need for the next day. Hammers, trowels, wire, bait, gloves, etc. Everything that is on your list […]
How to Win on Opening Day Waterfowl
How to Win on Opening Day Waterfowl By Ryan Eder There is something about opening day that gets us all excited. Whether it is the first day of school, a new job or the first home game of your favorite sports team, we find ourselves getting anxious in anticipation of “the day”. I cannot wait […]
10 Reasons We LOVE to Hunt
10 Reasons We LOVE to Hunt By Kevin Sturm One thing I have learned over the years is, we as hunters all share a love for the sport called hunting. I always find it interesting how I can be talking to a perfect stranger and honestly, not be engaged or invested in the conversation, more […]
Don’t Be….That Guy
Throughout my life, I have stumbled across individuals who cause the rolling of my eyes. I’m sure, with a few reflective moments, you have experienced the same. This being brought to surface, we are going to take a look at the cause of such eye juggling, as it applies to hunting or fishing camps. For […]