
30 Things Every Hunter Worth Their Salt Should Know How To Do
30 Things Every Hunter Worth Their Salt Should Know How To Do By Aaron Stonehocker Sportsmen come from all walks of life: rich, poor, young, retired, self-inspired, or groomed into the lifestyle by those who came before us. It is safe to say that no two hunters have precisely the same tastes when it comes […]
Little Brown Dogs
Little Brown Dogs By Ryan Eder The old adage “good things come in small packages” should be the official slogan for the Boykin Spaniel breed. There are a few other breeds of smaller stature that we could argue this for as well. I have seen a rising popularity of the Boykin Spaniel in the hunting […]
The Wild Past of Iowa
The Wild Past of Iowa By Ryan Graden Iowa officially became a state on December 28, 1846 but that does not mean people weren’t living here long before that. I often wondered as I’ve been in the timber, “Who was here before me?” Alternatively, even along those lines, “What was here before me?” I’m sure […]
Your New Puppy Part 3
Your New Puppy Part 3 By Ryan Eder In the third article of this series we will continue to focus on basic obedience but also build upon our bird and gun introduction that we discussed in part 2. At this point we have a dog crate trained, well socialized, well started on basic obedience (here, […]
Rooster Recap
Rooster Recap By Troy Hoepker How rare is it in your life when you wake up knowing that the day ahead of you is about to be so special that you will remember it for the rest of your life? And how rare is it that there will be someone else there that will share […]
A Practical Plan to Purchasing Iowa Recreational Ground
A Practical Plan to Purchasing Iowa Recreational Ground By Jessica Graham If you’re an Iowa outdoorsman, you have probably dreamed of owning your own land, a piece you can call your own. A place to cast a line, blaze a trail, or just sit under the stars and connect with our creator and nature. We […]
Tools for Success: A Beginners Guide on Less is More
Tools for Success: A Beginners Guide on Less is More By Aaron Stonehocker As the sun sets on the 2014 hunting seasons, I reflect on where I have been as a hunter. While breaking down my bow for the season without having launched a single arrow, I cannot help but feel as though this season […]
Habitat That’s For The Birds
Habitat That’s For The Birds By Kent Boucher How was your pheasant and quail season? Great, mediocre, disappointing? If you were disappointed I’m guessing it’s because you only flushed a few birds or because you should’ve dusted off your wingshooting skills a little better before the season. Practicing with some clays in the offseason is […]
What Now?
What Now? By Noel Gandy The old saying, ”Time flies when you’re having fun,” is certainly true when it goes to the Iowa whitetail season. Hunters who were once budding with anticipation for the October 1st opener are now left asking themselves, “Where did the time go?” For the passionate deer hunter there can be […]
5 Tips for Late-Season Pheasants
5 Tips for Late-Season Pheasants By Tim Ackarman After several bleak seasons, pheasant hunters are enjoying a resurgence of Iowa’s premier gamebird. As fall yields to winter however, many turn their attention to deer hunting, ice fishing, or couch sitting. Yet hunters can still find birds right up until 4:30 p.m. on January 10 with […]