
What Now?

What Now? By Noel Gandy The old saying, ”Time flies when you’re having fun,” is certainly true when it goes to the Iowa whitetail season. Hunters who were once budding with anticipation for the October 1st opener are now left asking themselves, “Where did the time go?” For the passionate deer hunter there can be […]


5 Tips for Late-Season Pheasants

5 Tips for Late-Season Pheasants By Tim Ackarman After several bleak seasons, pheasant hunters are enjoying a resurgence of Iowa’s premier gamebird. As fall yields to winter however, many turn their attention to deer hunting, ice fishing, or couch sitting. Yet hunters can still find birds right up until 4:30 p.m. on January 10 with […]


Calling all Iowa Sportsman!

Calling all Iowa Sportsman! By Jessica Graham Tired of the same old hunting and fishing stories? Want to get the inside scoop on the latest gear, techniques, and local hotspots? Then, you need to tune in to The Iowa Sportsman Podcast. You can expect up-to-date hunting and fishing reports. Get the lowdown on what’s biting […]


Establishing Perennial Cover

Establishing Perennial Cover By Kent Boucher Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to destroy than it is to build something great? It probably has something to do with the law of entropy, everything degrades into a state of greater disorder over time. This is easy to see when an old farmhouse gets […]


Late Season Pheasants & Quail

Late Season Pheasants & Quail By Mac Chilton Pheasant and quail hunting at any point during the season has its ups and downs and poses various challenges to even the most experienced hunters. Early season hunts usually come with traditions, camaraderie, and hopefully abundant bird numbers. These hunts can be some of the most exciting […]


Pheasant Hunting Should Be Strategic Too!

Pheasant Hunting Should Be Strategic Too! By Dave Owens When it comes to pheasant hunting I think a lot of people think of it as an easy task. Grab your gun, shells, vest, boots, and hit the field to kick up some birds. While there might be some truth to that mentality, pheasant hunting should […]


Preparing for the Late Season Duck Migration

Preparing for the Late Season Duck Migration By Steve Weisman As we move into late October and early November, diehard waterfowlers are chomping at the bit to get into the fall migration. According to Orrin Jones Waterfowl Research Biologist for the Iowa DNR, the potential is there for a great waterfowl migration. “The count for […]


Tips for Success: Wood Ducks

Tips for Success: Wood Ducks By Ryan Eder Some may disagree with me, but a Drake Wood Duck is one of the prettiest birds on the planet in my opinion. Aside from being one of the best tasting ducks due to their acorn and berry (they do eat other things as well) diet; their feathers […]


The Retriever Hunt Test Study Guide

The Retriever Hunt Test Study Guide By Ryan Eder The most famous line from any bird hunter is “I don’t care about ribbons; I just want a hunting dog”. This was me when I got my first dog as well! The truth is that hunt tests provide a fantastic off-season activity for you and your […]


Hunting Savy Pheasants

Hunting Savy Pheasants By Nolan Rolston Half-way through the Iowa upland season, the weather starts to break, our bird dogs start to hit their peak that they had at last season’s end. Along with this, those veteran roosters have been further educated on how to survive all of the conditions they are dealt throughout the […]