
Your New Puppy Pt. 4: Starting our Gundog

Your New Puppy Pt. 4: Starting our Gundog By Ryan Eder Finally, we have reached part 4 of our mini-series covering how to bring our puppy home, what to focus on, and how to progress in our training program. At this point we are ready to introduce the electronic collar, begin introductory field work and […]


Rolling Your Own Ammo

Rolling Your Own Ammo It’s a beautiful sight looking down at rows and rows of shiny brass, all tipped with just the right little projectile that will make your rifle of choice shoot to its maximum capabilities! The finished project of hand loading new rounds is something that gives you a sense of satisfaction of […]


Waterfowl Decoy Buyers Guide

Waterfowl Decoy Buyers Guide By Ryan Eder The waterfowl decoy business is competitive; there are so many choices and options where do you even begin? How do you know which brand to go with, what are (if any) the differences between each? Why are there different sizes? Do not overthink this purchase! I will simplify […]


The Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever By Simpson’s Labrador Retrievers History: Originating in Eastern Canada in the province of Newfoundland, this small fishing village along the Atlantic Ocean was known as St. John. This making the first Labrador Retrievers known as St. John Dogs. They spent their days working hard at sea and then returning home to play […]


Guns Out

Guns Out By Kent Boucher I believe that there are two types of gun owners. First, there is the ones that owns guns simply because they love them. These folks spend weekend afternoons firing off several boxes of shells at steel targets, followed by a complete teardown and deep cleaning, and end the day by […]


Good Housekeeping: Housebreaking your New Pup

Good Housekeeping: Housebreaking your New Pup By Ryan Eder Regardless of what kind of dog you have, one of the most popular discussions in dog training involves puppy training. From veterinary related topics, to basic training and so on, I still feel the most popular topic is how to properly house train your new puppy. […]


10 Reasons We LOVE to Hunt

10 Reasons We LOVE to Hunt By Kevin Sturm One thing I have learned over the years is, we as hunters all share a love for the sport called hunting. I always find it interesting how I can be talking to a perfect stranger and honestly, not be engaged or invested in the conversation, more […]


Camping: Plan Around Your Families Wants and Needs

Camping: Plan Around Your Families Wants and Needs By Earl Taylor When Moses headed into the wilderness, he was told to take just his staff and the bare necessities with him; God told him that He would provide. Moses ate manna, quail and had water gushing from a rock. Pretty good first camping experience if […]


Field Hunting Mallards

Field Hunting Mallards By Nick Johnson As I looked through my binoculars, I couldn’t help feeling like an artillery battery waiting for the next wave of fighters. Checking the horizon for that distinct line in the sky. As I squinted harder I saw them! The first small wave followed by a much larger more intimidating […]


Take a Newbie Shooting. Part 2

Take a Newbie Shooting. Part 2 By Barry B. Snell Once you arrive at the range, get all your gear unpacked, and you’re on the firing line and almost ready to go, it’s a good idea to stop and take a moment to go over the safety rules again. Your newbie is going to be […]