
The Do’s And Dont’s of Turkey Season

The Do’s And Dont’s of Turkey Season By Ryan Graden The lull of winter is in full swing for me. Fall/winter hunting seasons have all closed and I am finding myself anticipating the next best thing. Turkey season! My mind has shifted. In my daydreaming I now see episodes of turkey hunts. When I’m driving […]


Whitetails 365: Please and Thank You

Whitetails 365: Please and Thank You By Noel Gandy I recently had a conversation with a good friend where he said he’d sure like to hunt a particular block of timber. I asked if he had sought permission to hunt said timber to which he replied, “No.” When I questioned as to why there was […]


Did I Miss Him?

Did I Miss Him? By Bailey Dodd Most people might think that middle schoolers can’t or don’t learn from their mistakes. From my experience, there are many lessons to be learned from hunting. My name is Bailey Dodd. I’m a 13-year-old girl, in 8th grade. I have been hunting, trapping, and fishing with my Dad […]


DIY Turkey Tail Mount

DIY Turkey Tail Mount By Ryan Graden As Sportsmen, we like to preserve our trophies. Sometimes it’s the size of the animal that we’ve harvested that creates the desire to do so. Sometimes it’s the uniqueness of it and sometimes it’s for the memory or the story that was experienced. Whatever the reason, hanging something […]


Leasing Hunting Rights Landlord or Tenant

Leasing Hunting Rights Landlord or Tenant By Dave Wessling Each year millions of people look to hunt and fish throughout the Midwest. Not all of them have free access to private land or public land and wish to pursue a lease on private land. That can work well for landowners as leasing property to individuals […]


Traits of a Consistent Beard Collector

Traits of a Consistent Beard Collector By Earl Taylor I love turkey hunting. It will be part of my Spring routine until I can’t walk and when my trigger finger is too weak to set off a shell. Turkey hunting is the one hunt that a kid or an octogenarian can hunt with success regularly; […]


Bowhunting 101

Bowhunting 101 By Ryan Graden So you’re wanting to give this a try? That’s great! You won’t regret it. However, I will issue the warning now. Be ready for a rollercoaster of emotions. Not to mention a commitment of time, money, and energy. Will it be worth it? YES! I’ve never met a person who […]


50 Ways to Bide Time as an Offseason Hunter

50 Ways to Bide Time as an Offseason Hunter By Kent Boucher If you are like me your favorite hunting season is when you feel most alive. Calling upon skills you haven’t used for a year, clearing your schedule of nearly all other responsibilities and breaking the gaze into the digital abyss are just a […]


Pro’s and Con’s Of Different Turkey Hunting Methods

Pro’s and Con’s Of Different Turkey Hunting Methods By Billy Pryor When Spring Turkey season comes around, you may be lost in the many styles or tactics of a midwestern turkey hunt. You might be the traditional turkey hunter with the old fashioned roots, who sits with their back against a sturdy oak tree and […]


A Trip Down Memory Lane

A Trip Down Memory Lane By Steve Weisman In late September, my wife and I traveled to her hometown of Redfield, SD for her 50th year class reunion. The kids of ’69 were now in their late 60s, and as a friend of mine and I watched the Redfield homecoming parade, we cheered as the […]