
Fall Turkey Hunting? To do or not to do?

Fall Turkey Hunting? To do or not to do? By Aaron Stonehocker I will never forget my first turkey harvested with a bow.  It was my first year of archery hunting. I spent the entire year fine tuning my accuracy on paper targets strapped to hay bales at Mrs. Carol’s farm. As fall season approached […]


The Poor Man’s Bucket List

The Poor Man’s Bucket List By Earl Taylor It is easy to get all juiced up about hunting out west after watching a half hour hunting show where a celebrity hunter whacks a monster bull, buck or ram. Just as in ancient mythology where the Sirens called out to Oedipus to come to their beautiful […]


Shot Placement Guide For Bowhunting Turkeys

Shot Placement Guide For Bowhunting Turkeys When using a bow to hunt turkeys, many different shots and angles will present themselves. To make a clean ethical kill a hunter must know where to aim on the turkey at any given moment. While a turkey looks to be a decent sized target to hit, it isn’t. […]


Thinking Small

Thinking Small Hunting in Iowa has changed significantly during my lifetime. Four decades ago wild turkey and deer were scarce or non-existent in much of the state. Most hunters started out shooting squirrels and rabbits before moving on to pheasants and/or waterfowl. Only then did they graduate to larger game, if they had access to […]


Through the Eyes of the DNR

Through the Eyes of the DNR Top Ten Most Common Violations Seen During Hunting Seasons So, you went to school and you made it happen. After, you saw what you wanted, you jumped through the many hoops, and luckily became one of the few hired in this much desired profession you went through a lot […]


What to Look for in a Hunting Lease

What to Look for in a Hunting Lease By Ryan Eder Let’s face it, finding places to hunt is becoming harder and harder to do. As a society, we are becoming more developed, and farm land is dissipating. For the remaining land, it is highly competitive to secure landowner permission to hunt their farms so […]


Rolling Your Own Ammo

Rolling Your Own Ammo It’s a beautiful sight looking down at rows and rows of shiny brass, all tipped with just the right little projectile that will make your rifle of choice shoot to its maximum capabilities! The finished project of hand loading new rounds is something that gives you a sense of satisfaction of […]


Guns Out

Guns Out By Kent Boucher I believe that there are two types of gun owners. First, there is the ones that owns guns simply because they love them. These folks spend weekend afternoons firing off several boxes of shells at steel targets, followed by a complete teardown and deep cleaning, and end the day by […]


Target Time Fun at the Range

Target Time Fun at the Range By Troy Hoepker There’s little I enjoy more than punching paper with a rifle fed with a new load to see how accurate it can shoot as well as how tightly I can place the groupings with my own skill. When achieved, those microscopic groupings are very self-satisfying and […]


Survival: Stacking the odds in your favor

Survival: Stacking the odds in your favor By Ryan Woythaler Uh-Oh. There probably isn’t two more uttered words in the English language that have meant the end to more outdoor adventures than those two seemingly innocent syllables. Sometimes it’s as simple as forgetting to pack the ketchup for the burgers during a cookout at the […]