
The 5 Key Fundamentals to Shooting a Rifle

The 5 Key Fundamentals to Shooting a Rifle By Troy Hoepker If it is your first time firing a rifle or your one-millionth, good rifle marksmanship is accomplished only through having a good foundation of the basic fundamentals. Even an experienced shooter will never improve if he or she changes a fundamental each and every […]


Hunter Education, It’s Much More Than Just a Class

Hunter Education, It’s Much More Than Just a Class By Steve Webner Hunting is special in that it can be a solo sport, or you can get a few friends together and enjoy the outdoor experiences together. Some people are forced to hunt alone due to safety, or the lack there of, from others. Walking […]


Summer Skin Care

Summer Skin Care By Jessica Graham My friend grabbed his hat before we ventured outside. I’m used to seeing him without a hat, so this was a little different routine. I must have had a confused look on my face, because he began to explain a meeting he had with his physician, warning him of […]


How To Get your Kids Ready for the Upcoming Hunting Seasons

How To Get your Kids Ready for the Upcoming Hunting Seasons By Ryan Graden As much as summer months bring the warmth that we have been longing for, it also means that our hunting seasons have come to an end. Sure, there still other things to do in the outdoors. It doesn’t mean that we […]


Iowa’s Top Six Hiking Trails

Iowa’s Top Six Hiking Trails By Candace Weis Some of the best times to be had are exploring the outdoors. When most people think of wilderness and exploration they picture Yellowstone or Yosemite. However, it seems the more famous the park, the more people observe from within climate controlled cars. Like a drive-through zoo, people […]


3 Attractions for the Sportsman To Enjoy at the Iowa State Fair

3 Attractions for the Sportsman To Enjoy at the Iowa State Fair By Jessica Graham It’s July, and chances are if you are in Iowa, you are thinking about a trip to the Iowa State Fair. It is an Iowa staple in August; most Iowans venture out to the fair to view the animals, live […]


Dutch Oven Campfire Cooking

Dutch Oven Campfire Cooking By Ryan Graden Camping season is upon us and it’s time to think of what you’re going to eat. Sure, you could do the easy stuff like cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, and roast a hotdog over the fire for dinner. But why not try something a little better? Who […]


Hanging Out In Iowa: Hammock Camping in the Hawkeye State

Hanging Out In Iowa: Hammock Camping in the Hawkeye State By Rod and Laura Woten It doesn’t seem to matter where we camp, our hammock setup always seems to be the talk of the campground. If we had a nickel for every person that stops by and asks to check out the hammocks that Laura […]


Leasing Hunting Rights Landlord or Tenant

Leasing Hunting Rights Landlord or Tenant By Dave Wessling Each year millions of people look to hunt and fish throughout the Midwest. Not all of them have free access to private land or public land and wish to pursue a lease on private land. That can work well for landowners as leasing property to individuals […]


50 Ways to Bide Time as an Offseason Hunter

50 Ways to Bide Time as an Offseason Hunter By Kent Boucher If you are like me your favorite hunting season is when you feel most alive. Calling upon skills you haven’t used for a year, clearing your schedule of nearly all other responsibilities and breaking the gaze into the digital abyss are just a […]