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Hunting Snapping Turtles Not for the Faint of Heart

Hunting Snapping Turtles Not for the Faint of Heart By Steve Weisman When many people hear the words snapping turtle, they cringe thinking about what that sharp, hook-shaped mouth could do to an unsuspecting finger! Yet there are individuals who relish the opportunity and the challenge of catching, cleaning and eating snapping turtles. At the […]


Curing Target Panic

Curing Target Panic By Jim Westcott No two words put fear into an archer more than target panic! Target panic is actually an unpleasant psychological state that yields the inability to hold your sight on the target without causing a panicked release. Target panic actually has many symptoms and differs from person to person, such […]


Fish and Wildlife Trust Fund and its Impact on Iowa’s Natural Resources

Fish and Wildlife Trust Fund and its Impact on Iowa’s Natural Resources By Steve Weisman “Your License Dollars-YOUR LEGACY.” This statement sums up the impact that fishing, hunting and trapping license sales have for outdoor enthusiasts in Iowa. That’s right, 100 percent of license fees goes directly to the Fish and Wildlife Trust Fund, which […]


10 Reasons We LOVE to Hunt

10 Reasons We LOVE to Hunt By Kevin Sturm One thing I have learned over the years is, we as hunters all share a love for the sport called hunting. I always find it interesting how I can be talking to a perfect stranger and honestly, not be engaged or invested in the conversation, more […]


Camping: Plan Around Your Families Wants and Needs

Camping: Plan Around Your Families Wants and Needs By Earl Taylor When Moses headed into the wilderness, he was told to take just his staff and the bare necessities with him; God told him that He would provide. Moses ate manna, quail and had water gushing from a rock. Pretty good first camping experience if […]


Field Hunting Mallards

Field Hunting Mallards By Nick Johnson As I looked through my binoculars, I couldn’t help feeling like an artillery battery waiting for the next wave of fighters. Checking the horizon for that distinct line in the sky. As I squinted harder I saw them! The first small wave followed by a much larger more intimidating […]


Should I go Fishing or Work on my Farm?

Should I go Fishing or Work on my Farm? By Tom Peplinski I’ll have to admit, when I was first asked about writing a monthly column for whitetail hunting I was excited about the opportunity and a little overwhelmed at the thought of coming up with monthly ideas to write about. Trying to keep relevant […]


Improve Your 3D Shooting Skills

Improve Your 3D Shooting Skills By Jeremy Adams Binoculars Make sure you have a good set binoculars. By having a good pair of binoculars, with good light transmission, it will help you see the scoring rings on the target, especially if it is a black target like a bear or javalina. Seeing the target can […]


Don’t Spook Deer Before The Hunt Starts!

Don’t Spook Deer Before The Hunt Starts! By Dan Johnson Right now a majority of you probably have your trail cameras out capturing the velvet rut and taking inventory of the bucks you will be hunting in the fall. Some of you have may have already been out in the timber scouting the properties you […]