
Hunting Pressured Whitetails

Hunting Pressured Whitetails By Noel Gandy The mistake was made! I saw a good buck on his feet during daylight and made the mistake of telling my buddies. Due to the sheer excitement that I had experienced in seeing a shooter on this particular tract I let on that I practically had the buck in […]


Hunting Pressured Bucks

Hunting Pressured Bucks By Dan Johnson It’s early November and a cold front is coming through. The wind is absolutely perfect for you to hunt a stand that you have been daydreaming about all year. The barometric pressure is rising and the moon guide is showing favorable hunting conditions. You have done your scouting and […]


Fire Making Skills Tune Up

Fire Making Skills Tune Up By Jon Yacapraro Picture this. You are at a remote camp ground as a guest and you notice that your friend is having a really hard time getting the campfire going. He has a huge pile of wood in the fire ring that is giving off a little white smoke […]



Whitetails 365: Hunting in Cold Weather

Whitetails 365: Hunting in Cold Weather By Tom Peplinski The late hunting seasons can be some of the best times to kill a giant whitetail buck. Undoubtedly! In some cases, it can actually seem too easy. That’s right…too easy! This is the case because of some very good reasons all line up when the temperatures […]


2021-22 Fur Market Report

2021-22 Fur Market Report By Troy Hoepker As my pickup rolled to a stop I detected movement a quarter-mile away near the creek crossing in my pasture. A quick glance through the binoculars confirmed a fox desperately engaged in a tug-of-war with the chain attached to the trap gripping his leg at one of my […]


Shotgun Tactics for Success

Shotgun Tactics for Success By Ryan Graden Opening day of the Iowa shotgun season is like Christmas morning for many hunters in our state. December has just started and fall is giving way to winter. Breezes are turning more brisk and if we are lucky enough, we might have already had a layer or two […]


How to Win on Opening Day Waterfowl

How to Win on Opening Day Waterfowl By Ryan Eder There is something about opening day that gets us all excited. Whether it is the first day of school, a new job or the first home game of your favorite sports team, we find ourselves getting anxious in anticipation of “the day”. I cannot wait […]


Commands in the Field

Commands in the Field By: Ryan Eder – President, Upland Gundog Association LLC, Goldeneyes Retrievers If someone were to ask you “what commands do you use most in the field” what would your answer be? Are we even aware half of the time of what we are saying to our dogs while hunting? Is our […]


Public Land Success

Public Land Success By Ryan Graden I’m proud to be an Iowa hunter! In fact, I’m a fourth generation Iowa hunter. Most of my hunting skills have been sharpened by the hours I’ve spent on the acres of public land that is offered to Iowa residents and non-resident hunters. Here in Iowa there is, currently, […]


Whitetails 365 – Aim Small/Miss Small

Whitetails 365 – Aim Small/Miss Small By Tom Peplinski If you’ve never been there, you’re lucky! But most archery hunters have experienced that deep guttural feeling when you release an arrow only to see it drive into a deer way off mark. That sick feeling knowing you didn’t make a good shot. Will you find […]