
Wastewater discharge in Fort Dodge reaches Des Moines River
Wastewater discharge in Fort Dodge reaches Des Moines River Article courtesy of Iowa Department of Natural Resources MEDIA CONTACT: Jeremy Klatt, DNR, at 641-425-8042, or Jeremy.Klatt@dnr.iowa.gov DES MOINES – The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is investigating a wastewater discharge at the City of Fort Dodge in Webster County. On August 28, the DNR Field […]
Fishing Iowa
Fishing Iowa By Ben Leal When it comes to fishing here in Iowa, we have one of the most diverse opportunities than many other states. We’re bookended by two major rivers, the Mississippi and Missouri, and in between lies a variety of opportunities for anglers to chase after their favorite quarry. Whether you’re fishing for […]
Your Child’s Premier Outing
Your Child’s Premier Outing What to think about and consider before you go By Ryan Graden So the time is finally here! You’re thinking the kids are old enough to go on their first hunt or fishing trip. Or so you hope! Just remember, their first experience might make or break any future times in […]
Ways to Rig Plastics
Ways to Rig Plastics By Todd Reed Texas-Rig This is a mainstay for anglers searching for bass. It can be used with any soft plastic that you want banging around the bottom of the lake. NO matter the plastic you choose rigging is the same for each style of bait. Run the top of your […]
Fishing Lines; Braid, Mono or Fluorop The Critical Lines
Fishing Lines; Braid, Mono or Fluorop The Critical Lines By Nick Johnson Back when I started fishing as a young kid all I knew was monofilament and the brand was either Stren or Trilene for the most part. There were braided lines on the market but they were heavy and I really didn’t have a […]
The Wild Past of Iowa
The Wild Past of Iowa By Ryan Graden Iowa officially became a state on December 28, 1846 but that does not mean people weren’t living here long before that. I often wondered as I’ve been in the timber, “Who was here before me?” Alternatively, even along those lines, “What was here before me?” I’m sure […]
You want to be a Fishing Guide
You want to be a Fishing Guide By Brad Durick I have written this article before but every few years it seems situations change and the world needs a reminder as to what a fishing guide does and some need to be asked if it is really the right avenue for them. Some of this […]
Fishing Iowa’s Big Three
Fishing Iowa’s Big Three By Ben Leal There’s nothing like taking the boat out on a big body of water and exploring the endless possibilities available to not only anglers but to recreational boaters, skiers, windsurfing, sailing; the list goes on. We’re going to explore exploring the big three here in Iowa, Saylorville Lake, Red […]
Walleyes: The Springtime Spawn
Walleyes: The Springtime Spawn By Nick Johnson With the close of the ice season, many anglers dream about the rivers or lakes opening up and the hunt for big walleyes. Often times this transition is only a few weeks apart. Timing and water temperature are crucial along with depth and water levels in the river. […]
Overlooked Fishing Destinations in Iowa
Overlooked Fishing Destinations in Iowa By Todd Reed Growing up in Iowa and fishing as much as I could I never took the time to realize how fortunate we are to have the natural resources that we do. Perhaps it is being over four decades old, or perhaps it is the reflective mind that I […]