
Preparing Your Boat for the Season
Preparing Your Boat for the Season By Todd Reed Hopefully the spring fishing season has treated you well here in the great state of Iowa. I have been out many times traveling through the state with a boat in tow. No matter if you have a 12-foot jon boat, or a 21-foot fiberglass boat, the […]
Iowa’s State Parks
Iowa’s State Parks By Ryan Graden In the last 25 years of technological advancements, I have watched our culture advance at a tremendous pace that, I worry, will never slow down. Phones, computers, iPods, iPads, GPS, electric cars, automatic vacuums, auto lawnmowers, and more! We are certainly making things easier for our lifestyles, but we […]
Train Up A Child
Train Up A Child By Earl Taylor When I was a child I had my life, and my parents had theirs; they did not try to weave their lives into my life; we were not best friends. I did what was normal for a nine-year-old boy, while my parents worked, mowed the yard, went to […]
Dissecting A New Body of Water Through the Ice
Dissecting A New Body of Water Through the Ice By Todd Reed We all have those go-to lakes near our homes that “guarantee” a good days’ catch. It is very rewarding to figure out a lake and its subtleties to find the fish we seek out during the wintertime. These are the lakes we return […]
Putting Slabs on the Ice
Putting Slabs on the Ice By Steve Weisman When ice fishing season rolls around, bluegills and crappies are two of the most sought after fish. Many anglers, myself including, find that if we target bluegills we will also run into crappies. So, on early ice we will start in the shallows, in bays where there […]
Night Shift – On Ice
Night Shift – On Ice By Rod Woten Having a full-time day job can sure cut into a person’s ice fishing time. It’s bad enough that our ice fishing season is short and seems to get shorter every year, but the fact that we have to spend five days a week wasting some of the […]
Cabin Fever: Ideas to get Outdoors in Winter
Cabin Fever: Ideas to get Outdoors in Winter By Nick Johnson The winter is far from over and Cabin Fever has begun to set in for many who enjoy the outdoors. Aside from shoveling snow and jaunts to work, kid’s events or the store, the feeling of being cooped up tugs at the boredom strings […]
Navigating Big Ice
Navigating Big Ice By Rod Woten Why does it always seem that the bigger a body of water you want to fish, the harder the fish are to find? If you think about it from a statistical standpoint, the bigger lakes have more water you have to sort through in order to find fish, which […]
Different Strokes for All Folks
Different Strokes for All Folks By Rod Woten I am a huge proponent of tournament ice angling. Much like any other competitive sport, tournament ice anglers are constantly looking for an advantage over their competition. This relentless drive often leads to innovative new products, outside-the-box-patterns and torture-testing of longstanding equipment and patterns. Tournament ice angling […]
Give’em What They Want How They Want It
Give’em What They Want How They Want It By Bob Jensen Whether you’re after fish in open water or through the ice, your lure presentation is one of the most important considerations for success. Since ice-fishing season is fast approaching in many areas, now is a good time to think about lure presentation as it […]