
Weather the Ice: How Weather affects Ice Fishing

Weather the Ice: How Weather affects Ice Fishing By Nick Johnson Most of us only think of weather and how it affects fish behavior in terms of open water. Up until recent years I gave little to no thought about weather patterns and fishing strategies on the ice. Shame on me for neglecting such factors […]


The New Craze: Catfish through the Ice

The New Craze: Catfish through the Ice By Brad Durick These days as winter sets in the angling crowd move into one of two camps. The crowd that locks themselves in the house for months and the crowd that gets excited for the cold weather fishing season. In the southern states over the past decade […]


Pre-order the Iowa Sportsman Atlas Today!

THE 2020 IOWA SPORTSMAN ATLAS IS ALMOST HERE!!! For only $24.95 you can pre-order your copy to receive $5 off the regular price. Just click on this link below to pre-order today!  


Using a camera to down-view

Using a camera to down-view By Steve Weisman Yes, it’s true. During the winter, I am a sight fishing fanatic. To me, it’s part of the rush: to suddenly see a fish or several fish come toward the bait. Plus, sight fishing helps me to see exactly what my presentation is, so I can get […]


Tips for Sight Fishing Success

Tips for Sight Fishing Success By Steve Weisman I still remember when I moved to northwest Iowa in 1978. I saw the chain of lakes called the Iowa Great Lakes, and I knew this was where I wanted to be. Although I have had great fishing on all of these lakes, it is West Okoboji […]


Tip Up Fishing 101

Tip Up Fishing 101 By Nick Johnson When you break ice fishing down to a minimal level, a tip-up is about as simple and straightforward as it gets. This style of fishing dates back an awful long time and has, if anything, gained in popularity over the past two decades. Tip-ups come in a wide […]


Iowa Sportsman Top Ten Hunting Vehicles

Iowa Sportsman Top Ten Hunting Vehicles By Ryan Woythaler When Patrick asked me if I would be interested in doing a Top 10 hunting vehicles thread I jumped at the chance. Being a self proclaimed car enthusiast I thought this would be a really fun article to do. If only I had known then what […]


Ice Fishing The Unknown: Exploring New Ice

Ice Fishing The Unknown: Exploring New Ice By Nick Johnson As ice fisherman we all love the thrill of ice fishing new waters. It might be a new body of water never fished or perhaps a stretch of uncharted water on something you have already explored. When success is had in this instance the sheer […]


Catfish in the Mainstream

Catfish in the Mainstream By Brad Durick It is human nature to notice things that interest you. In the world of advertising this is called a hot button. You would not even raise an eyebrow to a radio ad about eye glasses unless you were in the market for a pair. You don’t notice that […]


Using Your Eyes to Catch Fish

Using Your Eyes to Catch Fish By Steve Weisman My favorite ice fishing occurs when I can sight fish, actually watch the action below the ice with my own eyes. To me, it’s the ultimate. To be able to watch the fish approach the lure, to see its response to the presentation and then (hopefully) […]