
An Iowa Treasure Hunt

An Iowa Treasure Hunt By Ryan Graden I am an Iowa boy to the core! Don’t get me wrong, I like to travel and see other places in our great nation. However, even during my short retreats elsewhere, I’m always missing my home here in Iowa. I love the history, the surroundings, the people, the […]


Locating Hot Weather Smallies In Iowa

Locating Hot Weather Smallies In Iowa By Todd Reed The tug on the line and in the next instance a miraculous jump above the water…smallmouth bass.  This is always the first image in my mind when someone says smallmouth bass. They are no doubt the most exciting fish that swims in our waters of Iowa. […]


Great Catfishing Destinations

Great Catfishing Destinations By Brad Durick We are already well into the open water season and the catfishing is in full swing. As anglers we always want more and bigger fish. Catfish anglers are no exception. If you are willing to do some driving and some walking if you are a shore angler there are […]


Fishing Iowa

Fishing Iowa By Ben Leal When it comes to fishing here in Iowa, we have one of the most diverse opportunities than many other states. We’re bookended by two major rivers, the Mississippi and Missouri, and in between lies a variety of opportunities for anglers to chase after their favorite quarry. Whether you’re fishing for […]


Heat of the Summer Pike

Heat of the Summer Pike By Steve Weisman The heat of summer often leads anglers to think that the fish catching can really go in the tank! Not so fast. On the natural lakes that I fish here in northwest Iowa, the heat of summer only means one thing to me when I am targeting […]


Catching Musky and Pike in Iowa

Catching Musky and Pike in Iowa By Billy Pryor Muskies (aka the musky or muskellunge, plus many other spellings and titles) are the largest of the pike family. They prefer clear water lakes and rivers and are most actively feeding in water temperatures 55° to 70° Fahrenheit. They will eat any fish they can catch […]


September Walleye

September Walleye By Ben Leal What’s the most popular freshwater fish for the table? That will vary according to where you live. In the South, crappie and catfish vie for the honors. But throughout the Midwest and Great Plains, the walleye reigns supreme. Chasing after these fish can be a challenge. In the spring, they […]


Bluegills for Young and Old

Bluegills for Young and Old By Steve Weisman Let’s face it, I am a bluegill fishing fanatic. And why not? They are plentiful, they put up a great fight and they are great table fare. Oh, and one more thing, they are great fish to get a youngster hooked on fishing. I will also say […]


Surviving the Trip of a Lifetime

Surviving the Trip of a Lifetime By Ryan Woythaler It’s the fishing trip you’ve waited your lifetime for. Years of hearing stories and dreaming about Canada’s north woods fishing and you are finally making it happen. A week with your best friend in a remote fly-in lodge, what more could a guy ask for? You […]


Hanging out in Iowa: Hammock Camping in the Hawkeye State

Hanging out in Iowa: Hammock Camping in the Hawkeye State By Rod and Laura Woten It doesn’t seem to matter where we camp, our hammock setup always seems to be the talk of the campground. If we had a nickel for every person that stops by and asks to check out the hammocks that Laura […]