
Bait and Lures for Ice Fishing

Bait and Lures for Ice Fishing By Todd Reed Ice Fishing opportunities are increasing across the state of Iowa right now, and there is no better time to go out and give it a try. What was once a simple sport of drilling a hole in the ice and sitting on a five-gallon bucket has […]


What it is like to be a Tournament Bass Angler

What it is like to be a Tournament Bass Angler By Todd Reed Bass tournaments are the ultimate fishing thrill.  The feeling that you get at 5am as you hop in your boat and face your competitors for the day is like no other.  I have been fishing tournaments for twenty-five years and there is […]


Reasons why you Should Still be Fishing

Reasons why you Should Still be Fishing By Todd Reed The fall months in Iowa are very special for those that love the outdoors.  Hunting seasons have begun and more will soon open for different species. However, as an Iowa Sportsman I turn to the water just as much or more during these late season […]


Iowa’s State Record Fish: Part III

Iowa’s State Record Fish: Part III By Ben Leal This month’s entry into our recent look at Iowa’s State record fish will focus on just a couple more of our favorite species. We’ve taken a pretty good look at a wide variety of sports fish, all of which are well deserved to be in the […]


Selecting the Best Ice Auger for Ice Fishing Season

Selecting the Best Ice Auger for Ice Fishing Season By Todd Reed The world of ice fishing has changed so much in the past twenty years that some do not even recognize the sport anymore. Gone are the days of a couple of poles, a handful of jigs, a five-gallon bucket and a hand auger. […]


Fishing for the Predator of Predators: The Muskie

Fishing for the Predator of Predators: The Muskie By Steve Weisman Mention the fall season and you’ll find anglers going after all kinds of fish: walleyes, largemouth and smallmouth bass, perch and other panfish. However, there is a group of anglers that go after the top of the food chain, the predator of predators…the muskellunge. […]


Unlocking Secrets to Trolling for Walleyes

Unlocking Secrets to Trolling for Walleyes By Steve Weisman As a fishing guide on the Iowa Great Lakes, M. Doug Burns is often asked by anglers, “What should I do when I troll for walleyes?” Burns, who has been a professional guide since 1986, begins to answer this question by saying, “There is not one […]


5 Life Lessons Learned from the Field

5 Life Lessons Learned from the Field By Bailey Dodd Imagine this, you take your five year old daughter on a turkey hunt. You forget hearing protection so you tell her that she will need to plug her ears if you take a shot so it won’t be as loud. A big gobbler steps out […]


Prepping for Ice Fishing

Prepping for Ice Fishing By Steve Weisman When you ice fish and live north of HWY 20 in northern Iowa and the month of November arrives, it’s time to think “pre ice fishing”. You never know what might happen. Here on the Iowa Great Lakes, there have been times when I have been ice fishing […]


Iowa’s Hidden Gem: Water Trails

Iowa’s Hidden Gem: Water Trails By Ben Leal Iowans are blessed with some of the richest and abundant fishing, hunting, hiking, boating and canoeing opportunities in the country. We can cross this state from north to south, east to west in about four hours. Any activity you’d like to participate in is easily accessible in […]