
Low Water Catfish

Low Water Catfish By Brad Durick Over the better part of the last decade low water has really not been an issue to deal with when catfishing, especially here in the North Country. The talk in most catfish circles is anglers wishing the water would go down to get a boat in or once they […]


Top Reasons Fish Go Tight Lipped

Top Reasons Fish Go Tight Lipped By Todd Reed “The fish aren’t biting”, “I always catch them here”, This bait always works”.  We have all said these things before and we have all had bad days out on the water.  I am a firm believer that the angler is in charge of their catches about […]


Catfish Tech: The Advantage to Using Electronics in Catfishing

Catfish Tech: The Advantage to Using Electronics in Catfishing By Brad Durick Let’s face it, technology is everywhere these days. From smartphones to smart TVs to depth finders, technology is advancing at break neck speed and not slowing down any time soon. So the question for you as a catfish angler is, why should you […]


A Student of the Game

A Student of the Game Like any other sport we must be students By Brad Durick I recently read an article about one of my favorite hockey players, Mark Schiefele. The article talks about his upbringing in the sport of hockey and how even as a now established professional in the NHL he is always […]


Trying Something New In Iowa’s Outdoors

Trying Something New In Iowa’s Outdoors By Troy Hoepker With promise of a beautiful spring day, I had made plans for an all outdoors St. Patty’s Day a few years back for my 6-year old son Dylan and I. The plan was for us to go coyote calling together and then look for some Indian […]


5 Keys to Summer Muskies

5 Keys to Summer Muskies By Tracy Crail The summer months bring with them a wide range of musky activity. There are many factors that dictate their feeding levels. Learning to identify them and maximizing your chances will put more fish in your boat. I have 5 key topics that I rely on in the […]


Key In On Spring Smallies

Key In On Spring Smallies By Todd Reed Spring in Iowa is full of temptations; morel mushrooms, turkeys, walleyes, and my favorite, the smallmouth bass.  Spring is a sportsman paradise here in Iowa, each day of the week you could enjoy something different in the outdoors.  It is truly a magical time, and even more […]


Camping Hacks Everyone Can Do!

Camping Hacks Everyone Can Do! By Ricky Kinder The best smell in the entire world? I know that is an argumentative question, but I would have to put the smell of an open campfire up towards the top. There is something special about that scent. It is almost like once it hits your nose it […]


Spring Time Channel Cats

Spring Time Channel Cats By Brad Durick As spring fever begins to subside, rivers and lakes begin to warm. The northern rivers and lakes begin to open up after a long winter of being sealed up from the world by ice. In the Midwest, The world of the channel catfish begins to take hold for […]


Catching Bass On The Fly

Catching Bass On The Fly By Rod Woten The largemouth bass may well be the most popular game fish in North America. Sure, Minnesotans love their walleyes and muskies have a strong following in certain areas.  The one fish, however, that has devoted fans everywhere…from the ice belt to the Mississippi Delta and from the […]