
Pre-order the Iowa Sportsman Atlas Today!

THE 2020 IOWA SPORTSMAN ATLAS IS ALMOST HERE!!! For only $24.95 you can pre-order your copy to receive $5 off the regular price. Just click on this link below to pre-order today!  


Catfish in the Mainstream

Catfish in the Mainstream By Brad Durick It is human nature to notice things that interest you. In the world of advertising this is called a hot button. You would not even raise an eyebrow to a radio ad about eye glasses unless you were in the market for a pair. You don’t notice that […]


Late Fall Strategies for Cold Water

The bite of cold has overcome Iowa by now, whitetail bucks are in rut and waterfowl hunting is picking up. With so many outdoor related distractions the thought of fishing takes a back burner to many. Even I find myself trading the rods for a shotgun at this point and celebrate the excitement of ice […]


Iowa River Monsters: The Quest for Flatheads

It’s not too often that I get to write an article about an actual fishing story. I’m not talking about the tale of Catfish Hunter or a story that grows with age, but rather a story of adventure, taking place right in the heart of Iowa. An annual adventure that started a few years back […]


Float Fishing A Must Do Iowa Experience

When I first moved to northwest Iowa over 30 years ago and I wanted to go fishing, I headed to one of the Iowa Great Lakes or some of the smaller lakes around. I never gave interior stream/river fishing much thought. About 20 years ago a friend of mind introduced me to float fishing by […]


Top 5 Flathead Baits

In the world of catfishing it seems we hear about the mighty blue cat or the abundant channel cat more often than their big cousins with bad attitudes, the flathead. Ok, the flathead is pretty popular too. The anglers who love flatheads seem to have an addiction for catfish that is a bit different than […]


Don’t Be….That Guy

Throughout my life, I have stumbled across individuals who cause the rolling of my eyes. I’m sure, with a few reflective moments, you have experienced the same. This being brought to surface, we are going to take a look at the cause of such eye juggling, as it applies to hunting or fishing camps. For […]


Almost 10 Things Every Angler Should Know

There’s nothing quite like a tidbit of information to remind you of some of the basic gems that we as anglers should know. It’s possible that some of the things you know were insightful pieces of advice that dad or grandpa passed on down. And I’m sure that there are some useful quotes from gramps […]


Basic Fishing Rigs Every Angler Should Know!

The State of Iowa is a diverse region offering anglers across the area a wide range of opportunities to chase after their favorite quarry. Whether you chase after bass, walleye, crappie, bluegill, catfish or any of the other 148 known species in Iowa, there are times when a special or specific fishing rig can help […]


Inner Workings Of The Manchester Fish Hatchery – Podcast

Welcome to another episode of The Iowa Sportsman Podcast! On this episode, Dan is joined by Dan Rosauer, a Biologist for the Iowa DNR, to talk about the Manchester Fish Hatchery. The guys get into history of the hatchery, how it started, operates, and how fish are distributed.  If you are interested in the process […]