
Fishing Iowa

Fishing Iowa By Ben Leal When it comes to fishing here in Iowa, we have one of the most diverse opportunities than many other states. We’re bookended by two major rivers, the Mississippi and Missouri, and in between lies a variety of opportunities for anglers to chase after their favorite quarry. Whether you’re fishing for […]


Hanging out in Iowa: Hammock Camping in the Hawkeye State

Hanging out in Iowa: Hammock Camping in the Hawkeye State By Rod and Laura Woten It doesn’t seem to matter where we camp, our hammock setup always seems to be the talk of the campground. If we had a nickel for every person that stops by and asks to check out the hammocks that Laura […]


My 5 Best Largemouth Tips

My 5 Best Largemouth Tips By Todd Reed The largemouth bass, the most familiar fish in the country lives all around us.  No matter if you fish a farm pond, a local river, county park, one of the 100’s of man-made lakes around Iowa, or the Mighty Mississippi River, the largemouth bass is waiting for […]


Beat The Heat! Bring The Great Outdoors, Indoors

Beat The Heat! Bring The Great Outdoors, Indoors By Kent Boucher I have every reason to list summer as my favorite season. It serves as my respite from a year of long weeks in the classroom as a science teacher. My birthday is in early August. My family usually takes a cross country vacation, plus […]


Summer Skin Care

Summer Skin Care By Jessica Graham My friend grabbed his hat before we ventured outside. I’m used to seeing him without a hat, so this was a little different routine. I must have had a confused look on my face, because he began to explain a meeting he had with his physician, warning him of […]


Iowa’s Top Six Hiking Trails

Iowa’s Top Six Hiking Trails By Candace Weis Some of the best times to be had are exploring the outdoors. When most people think of wilderness and exploration they picture Yellowstone or Yosemite. However, it seems the more famous the park, the more people observe from within climate controlled cars. Like a drive-through zoo, people […]


Addressing Boating Issues

Addressing Boating Issues By Steve Weisman In an earlier article, we discussed boating issues or mistakes that can adversely affect our experiences, specifically trailering issues. Now, let’s take a look at other issues. In this article, we will cover drain plugs, electronics, anchors and addressing storms. #1-Drain plug With the importance of draining our livewells […]


Bait Rigs that Catch Fish

Bait Rigs that Catch Fish By Ben Leal If you were to go out and ask a dozen anglers what their favorite live bait rig is for any number of species you’ll likely get a dozen different answers. Now it may not be a dozen different baits, but certainly a variety of ways to rig […]


3 Attractions for the Sportsman To Enjoy at the Iowa State Fair

3 Attractions for the Sportsman To Enjoy at the Iowa State Fair By Jessica Graham It’s July, and chances are if you are in Iowa, you are thinking about a trip to the Iowa State Fair. It is an Iowa staple in August; most Iowans venture out to the fair to view the animals, live […]


Importance of Using A Quality Fillet Knife

Importance of Using A Quality Fillet Knife By Jessica Graham When I was younger, around eight years old, I wanted my Dad to show me how to fillet a fish. We had been fishing at our pond and had caught some bass. My Dad showed me the basics: how to clean a bass, don’t leave […]