By Kyle Dana
Target shooting is something anyone can do. It gets you outdoors. You can do it by yourself or with group of friends. You can shoot pistols, rifles, shotguns, or, “all of the above”. You don’t even have to be a hunter or have plans to become one to add target shooting to you list of hobbies.become one to add target shooting to your list of hobbies.
All of that being said hunters, target shooting is something we all need to value before our choice season(s) open up. We can’t just retrieve our firearm from the safe and run to the local store to grab whatever ammunition they have and say we’re prepared. Target shooting allows us to know our fi rearm is working properly. It also allows us to know how our firearm and the ammunition are cooperating. Plus, it ensures us that our firearm is sighted in. Whether you can create a shooting range on your acreage or you have to utilize a local range, almost all of the “must haves” are the same.
Notebook & Pen: These are probably the most overlooked “must haves” at the range. Let’s face it, you and I will likely forget things like, windspeeds, temps, shot choice, choke of no choke, etc. Having a pen and paper allows us to capture the details we need to remember.
Firearm(s): I put this on the list because some of us religiously follow lists and if it’s not on here, we might forget the most obviously essential tool for target shooting.
Ammo: Next to your fi rearm, this is the second most important tool for target shooting. When you’re sighting in your fi rearm, something you should consider is bringing a couple of different types (brands, sizes, etc.) of ammo to determine which one cooperates with your firearm the best. (An ammo box can help properly store your ammo which lowers the probability of an accidental discharge, plus it helps you keep your ammo organized.)
Targets: The fi rearm you’re shooting will help determine your target. Paper, resetting targets, long-range gong targets, rollover targets, spinner targets, etc.) For example, if you’re shooting a pistol, you’d likely fi nd value in a steel target that resets. (If you’re shooting paper targets, you might want to consider creating a pully system to retrieve your target.)
Cleaning Kit: Having a quick kit available can come in handy if you’re having issues with your fi rearm and/or you want a “fresh start” when changing the type of ammo you are shooting.
Multi-tool: Having something like a Leatherman can assist with quick adjustments, tightening screws, or addressing minor issues that may arise during your shooting session.
Magazine Loader: If you’re shooting a pistol or rifle, this would come in handy. It’s not necessary, but it’d be handy.
Table/rest: If you’re sighing in a rifle, being able to have it as steady as possible, will ensure accuracy and allow you to make the most educated adjustments if you’re sighting it in.
Holster/sling: These aren’t necessary but would be handy, especially if you’re moving locations on the range or making adjustments to your target.
A shooting vest or belt: These help carry and store your ammo and gear while you’re at the range. Plus, a vest can provide some safety from spent casings and fi rearm recoil.
Wind Meter: This is another “not necessary” tool, but it would come in handy when shooting or sighting in a rifle, especially at long distances.
A Range Bag: These will help keep all of your range gear in one place, especially if you have to travel to the range.
Hearing Protection: Just because you think you don’t need it, doesn’t mean you don’t. Check into over-the-ear, in-ear or customizable options. There is something for everyone with every budget.
Eye Protection: Seeing glasses, sunglasses or shooting glasses A first aid kit. Even though accidents are rare, having a kit that can immediately treat minor injuries is huge.
Gloves: If you’re shooting in the cold, having warm hands to handle your gun will come in handy. Plus, if you’re at the range and planning to shoot a lot, gloves can provide protection from hot barrels and sliding pieces on your fi rearm. Be safe. Good luck and enjoy!