Wild Turkey

Run and Gun Gobblers
Run and Gun Gobblers By Nick Johnson There have been encounters in my life that make me question what God was thinking when he made one organism in particular. Never in my life have I had a creature bring such frustration and reward upon me in a single day. To be clear, I am talking […]
Turkey Preparation: What you Should Be Doing Now
Turkey Preparation: What you Should Be Doing Now By Billy Pryor If you are a turkey hunter then you probably already know that spring turkey hunting can be completely different than fall turkey hunting, but the fundamentals to prepare for either are going to be the same. Like any hunting, the key to success is […]
All Things Turkey – Podcast
Beware The Nightmare
Beware the Nightmare By Bruster Beaty As participants of the tremendous offerings afforded by the great outdoors, we are constantly seeking new adventures. I must admit, however, the most heartfelt nimrodial memories are those nurtured during my excursions to the lakes, woods, and streams within shooting distance of home. Be that as it may, there […]
Find Your Pattern
Find Your Pattern Patterning your turkey gun is an important part of turkey hunting that sometimes is an after thought to many hunters. Having a finely patterned gun, especially at long-range shots of 40 yards can be the difference of placing a tag on a bird or watching it run away from you. Use these […]
The Turkey Season Dilemma
The Turkey Season Dilemma There is nothing like a cool crisp morning in the Spring. A gentle blanket of dew, or possibly frost, on the ground, the sun slowly warming up the sky, and the silence that is shattered by a tom turkey sounding off from his roost. A gobble will get a hunters heart […]
Find Your Pattern
Patterning your turkey gun is an important part of turkey hunting that sometimes is an after thought to many hunters. Having a finely patterned gun, especially at long-range shots of 40 yards can be the difference of placing a tag on a bird or watching it run away from you. Use these tips provided to […]
10 Tips on Becoming A Better Turkey Hunter
By Matt Johnson Now that deer season is a distant memory, many of us here in Iowa are switching gears to begin pursuing turkeys. The excitement that comes from a tom gobbling on the roost, to having him strut all the way across a field right into your decoys, is what we all look forward […]