Wild Turkey

Turkey Taking Tips: From some “Not-so-Pro” Hunters!
Turkey Taking Tips: From some “Not-so-Pro” Hunters! By Aaron Stonehocker There are a lot of “give-Me’s” the creator worked into our daily lives. The sun always rises. The sun always sets. Spring heats up to Summer, mellows out to Fall, cools off to Winter, before warming back up to Spring again. There are thousands of […]
Hunting the “Fourth Quarter”
Hunting the “Fourth Quarter” By Ryan Graden It’s not over! I know your confidence might be failing, but you still have time. Just like football, the clock is ticking away and you might have 99 yards to go, but the ball is in your hands and there are still some “advantages” you need to realize! […]
Perfect your Success: Bag that Opening Day Turkey
Perfect your Success: Bag that Opening Day Turkey By Ryan Graden As with any night before opening season, I was restless. I sat there looking over my gear and mentally going through a checklist of things that I might need. Calls…check…gun…check…choke tube…check…camo…check and the list went on. I’m sure it took more time than it […]
Reasons why you won’t Harvest a Turkey this Year
Reasons why you won’t Harvest a Turkey this Year By Ryan Graden I’m already playing the hunt over and over in my mind. Knowing that in a few short months, I will be back in the timbers coaxing a big Iowa Eastern steadily towards me as he continues to thunder his call over and over […]
Getting Youth Involved in Turkey Hunting
Getting Youth Involved in Turkey Hunting By Jessica Graham I remember sitting in the timber, listening to the song birds wake up and the first gobbles begin. At this time, I was a young hunter, and I just was so excited to get to hunt or to tag along with my dad or uncles turkey […]
Prepping for Turkey Season
Prepping for Turkey Season By Jessica Graham Few things on this earth compare to hearing the gobble of a tom in the early morning as the sun begins to rise. The airtingles with anticipation, the woods hushed in the pre-dawn light. Soon, the forest will erupt with the thunderous gobbles of a strutting tom, his […]
Last Chance Longbeards: When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Hunt Smarter
Last Chance Longbeards: When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Hunt Smarter By Nick Johnson It was a warm May morning in southern Iowa. Gobbles shattered the shrinking darkness as the sun lazily drew closer to the eastern horizon. I was hunting with Patrick McKinney, Publisher of The Iowa Sportsman Magazine, and we had high […]
Master the Pop-Up Blinds
Master the Pop-Up Blinds By David Holder As soon as the buck walked out of sight, I hit the antlers. Two minutes later, he was standing on the edge of the food plot looking for the fight he just heard. My cameraman and myself were sitting in a ground blind right smack dab in the […]
The Day in the Life of a Late Season Turkey Hunter
The Day in the Life of a Late Season Turkey Hunter By Earl Taylor I have tried every season, but its fourth season in Iowa that I now hunt every year. I have been snowed on during the first season. I have had to compete with too many other hunters during the second season. It […]
Traits of a Consistent Beard Collector
Traits of a Consistent Beard Collector By Earl Taylor I love turkey hunting. It will be part of my spring routine until I can’t walk and when my trigger finger is too weak to set off a shell. Turkey hunting is the one hunt that a kid or an octogenarian can hunt with success regularly; […]