Whitetail Deer

Using Digital Maps to Improve Your Odds
Using Digital Maps to Improve Your Odds By Dan Johnson It’s nine o’clock on a Tuesday night and the entire family is already in bed. I turn on the television in the living room to give off the impression that I’m watching TV. I check all the bedrooms to make 100% sure that everyone is […]
The Treestand Dilemma
The Treestand Dilemma By Ryan Graden It’s the ever troubling question that all hunters ask themselves as fall approaches and opening dates draw close. “Where should I hang my stand?” I know for me, as I go through the timber I tend to “see” my hunts play out. “If a buck comes down this trail, […]
Rut Tips
Rut Tips As whitetail hunters, we all know that hunting the rut can represent the best opportunity to catch a vulnerable monster buck out in the open. Vulnerable is rarely a word used to describe the nature of a big whitetail buck, but the craze of the rut can help to tilt the scale in […]
Back To The Whitetail Basics – Podcast
5 Summer Key’s to Fall Success
5 Summer Key’s to Fall Success By Kevin Sturm Over the years my wife may have mentioned to me a time or two that hunting season seems to never end, and after some reflection I would have to say she is exactly right. I have learned over the years, there is a huge difference in […]
Figuring Out Food Plots For Whitetails! – Podcast
First Day Success for Whitetail Shotgun Season-Steer Clear of the Crowds
Typically in Iowa during the first day of shotgun season for whitetails you will see groups of orange clad hunters chasing deer all over the place. The Iowa landscape is literally dotted with orange from border to border. The most common tactic used is large group or party hunting. This is when hunters will get […]
Whitetail Sidearms: Choosing a Handgun for Deer
The best handgun for deer hunting you ask? Wow! That’s a tall order. A question like that depends on so many variables there is no correct answer that is truly universal. As you know this really hinges on things like your comfort and confidence with a particular firearm. Of course there are natural pitfalls to […]
November- The Hunt is On!
November- The Hunt is On! Many hunters count the days each year till season opener. How many hours do you have invested in the season before its even open? Money spent? In habitat management alone, I spend a solid weekend every month on my farm outside of hunting season. That’s 2 or 3 days a […]