Whitetail Deer

What Iowa Public Land Has to offer

What Iowa Public Land Has to offer By Gary Faith Public land is getting more and more attention in the outdoor space lately. At a total of 640 million acres of public land available inside the United States, one can start to understand why it has come to draw so much attention. When thinking of […]


Defining Success in the Deer Woods

Defining Success in the Deer Woods By Noel Gandy In an attempt to do better at this thing called life I recently read an article at www.lifehack.org entitled “30 Tell-Tale Signs You’re Going To Be Highly Successful.” The article begins with the statement, “All successful people have a set of characteristics and threads that enable […]


Signs to Success: Using what you see and hear to your advantage

Signs to Success: Using what you see and hear to your advantage By Ryan Graden I had been sitting in this stand all evening. It was one of many long hour sits during November for one particular buck that I knew was in the “neck of the woods” that I was frequenting. He was not […]


Whitetails 365: Weathering The Hunt: Leveraging Conditions for October Bowhunting

Whitetails 365: Weathering The Hunt: Leveraging Conditions for October Bowhunting By Aaron McKinney October holds so much hope and excitement for Iowa bowhunters. Finally, the season has opened. You no longer have to scout from afar and can make a plan to hunt. With the transition towards fall, comes a unique set of weather patterns […]


Understanding Your Broadhead and Arrow Set-up

Understanding Your Broadhead and Arrow Set-up By Aaron McKinney Archery and bowhunting have changed tremendously in the last 40 years. In recent years, arrow weight and Front of Center (FOC) have become hot topics among archers. Fifteen years ago, the trends leaned towards lighter, faster arrows. The idea was to maximize kinetic energy and achieve […]


Deer Scents and How to Use Them

Deer Scents and How to Use Them By Jessica Graham Eliminating Human Scent The foundation of scent control lies in minimizing your human odor. This starts with meticulous hygiene. Showering with scent-free soap, washing your hunting clothes in scent-free detergent, and avoiding scented products are essential steps. In our house, we use scent-free detergent all […]


Analyzing Your Shot & What To Do Next

Analyzing Your Shot & What To Do Next By Noel Gandy The moment of truth has finally arrived and all of your hard work has paid off: you got your shot on that whitetail you’ve been after for so long. Your arrow struck and your animal has bound out of sight. The impact was not […]


30 Things Every Hunter Worth Their Salt Should Know How To Do

30 Things Every Hunter Worth Their Salt Should Know How To Do By Aaron Stonehocker Sportsmen come from all walks of life: rich, poor, young, retired, self-inspired, or groomed into the lifestyle by those who came before us. It is safe to say that no two hunters have precisely the same tastes when it comes […]


Summer Patterning Tips and Tricks

Summer Patterning Tips and Tricks By Noel Gandy Independence Day is annually celebrated on July 4th. It is the anniversary of the publication of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain in 1776. Patriotic displays and family events are organized throughout the United States. Fireworks are popped, hotdogs are consumed, and generally a good time […]


Simple Things Landowners can do to Improve Wildlife

Simple Things Landowners can do to Improve Wildlife By Jessica Graham One of my favorite things about hunting is watching different wildlife interacting and coexisting in one place. Whether you are an avid hunter or wildlife enthusiast, there are a few projects you can do to improve your land’s attractiveness to wildlife. Wildlife require habitat, […]