Whitetail Deer

Whitetails 365: Spring Plots on a Budget
Whitetails 365: Spring Plots on a Budget By Tom Peplinski In March, I wrote about how I use greens and grains to cover all my bases when putting in food plots. Soybeans have long been a staple for me because they are easy to grow and can be a great late season attraction. Then I […]
The Art of Assessment
The Art of Assessment By Earl Taylor Fred Remington, the famous cowboy artist from the late 1800’s, once wrote describing a grueling 51-mile canoe trip down the Oswegatchie River in New York, “The zest of the whole thing lies in not knowing the difficulties beforehand.” For Remington, a big bend in the river did not […]
Taking Inventory
Taking Inventory By Dan Johnson This time of year a hint of depression usually sets in. Not only because it’s the dead of winter, but the hunting season is over and until the end of the month it’s still too early to go shed hunting. By now, I have already scouted my properties looking for […]
Whitetails 365: Buying Recreational Land, Part 2
Whitetails 365: Buying Recreational Land, Part 2 By Tim Peplinski In last month’s issue, I was purposefully vague in beginning to break down what it takes to be successful in buying recreational land. I hope as you read the article, you were starting to pull together a plan of your own if you are starting […]
Jamie Brincks Buck Part III
Jamie Brincks Buck Part III By Jamie Brinck The form for Crazy 8 came in and Doug and I couldn’t wait to see how the hide fit. We did some alterations to the form but the size was perfect, FYI we own Brinck’s Taxidermy, he went together like a dream. Once we were done with […]
Whitetails 365: Why Grain Food Plots
Whitetails 365: Why Grain Food Plots By Tom Peplinski Each winter, I go over what worked and what didn’t during last year’s deer season. The self-assessment is really taking place during the entire season. Did my access points to the properties I hunt offer me concealment? Were my setups close enough for archery hunting? Do […]
Shed Antler Hunting: An art of logic, luck and long walks
Shed Antler Hunting: An art of logic, luck and long walks By Kent Boucher Christmas gifts are excellent indicators of what makes a person tick. Allow me to explain. Most people would probably identify themselves as fitting into one of these three categories: havers, experiencers, and those who fall into both categories. If you were […]
New Bows for 2021
New Bows for 2021 By Jessica Graham The archery industry has witnessed a plethora of improvements, especially in the last 30 years. These changes have caught the attention of more and more archers and has aided to the popularity of archery and bow hunting. 2021 is still welcoming innovations to the archery world. Some of […]
Late Season Hunting
Late Season Hunting It’s been nearly three months since the first deer season opened in Iowa. The days are shorter and the temps are lower but there is still hunting to do. Its time for late season archery/muzzleloader hunting for whitetail! No matter if you didn’t fill your tag the first go around or just […]
After The Season
After The Season: What you can do Now to be Successful Next Fall By Ryan Graden January 10th has come and gone leaving us the lull of a few winter months with nothing to pursue outdoors. At this point, you could stay inside and watch the sun rise and fall. You could watch the ever-slowing […]