Whitetail Deer

Tips For Impactful Trail Camera Scouting
Tips For Impactful Trail Camera Scouting By Jessica Graham During summer, deer hunters begin to get excited for the upcoming bow season. Lots of scouting and treestand work begins now in preparation for opening day. Over the last 20 years we have seen hunters completely change hunting strategies to incorporate trail cameras. We have seen […]
Minerals: Health, Antlers, and Photos!
Minerals: Health, Antlers, and Photos! By Dan Johnson Hopefully by now you have had time to knock on a few doors and gain access to more hunting property on which you get the opportunity to maybe try what we discuss in the following articles. If you haven’t had the chance to do any shed hunting […]
Whitetails 365: Can You Plant Too Much Food?
Whitetails 365: Can You Plant Too Much Food? By Tom Peplinski For as long as I can remember, at least the past 20 seasons, I try to make an honest assessment of how my whitetail season went after it’s over each year. The assessment is made in overall terms of how good my chances were […]
Whitetails 365: Chainsaw Habitat
Whitetails 365: Chainsaw Habitat By Tom Peplinski When it comes to whitetail deer hunting, most hunters will spend an enormous amount of time and resources on their hunting gear. Whether it’s the time they spend planning their new equipment, or the money they budget and save for that big ticket item. Open any fall archery […]
Spring Food Plotting Q & A
Spring Food Plotting Q & A By Tom Peplinski By April of each year, if you haven’t already, you should be planning for the year’s food plots. The number one question I get each and every year is always centered on WHAT to plant? There are probably hundreds of specific scenarios that can play out […]
Whitetails 365: The Kill Plot
Whitetails 365: The Kill Plot By Tom Peplinski • Sponsored by Hunt of a Lifetime I get a many questions about what to plant for food plots. It’s the biggest question whitetail hunters who plant food plots ask. More specifically, the question of what to plant for food plots inside timber. Small plots surrounded by […]
The Ultimate Deer Hunting Property
The Ultimate Deer Hunting Property By Ricky Kinder As an avid deer hunter here in Iowa I am always thinking or more specifically dreaming of that perfect deer hunting property and how great it would be to actually call myself the owner of such a property. You know what I am talking about; that perfect […]
The Pontier Buck
The Pontier Buck As told by Austin Pontier November 5th, 2016 is a day I’ll never forget. It all started in July 2016 when I first laid eyes on the deer that would forever leave an imprint on my mind. At this time of the year, I had been putting out trail cameras to figure […]
Shed Hunting
Shed Hunting By Dan Johnson It’s March, and for me that only means one thing in terms of whitetail hunting… Shed hunting! Let me yell it one more time from the mountain top so you can get a good idea of how much I love this activity… SHED HUNTING! I don’t know what it is […]
How Weather Affects Accuracy
How Weather Affects Accuracy By Troy Hoepker Many of us seek out a day to sight in our rifle when winds are calm, temperatures are warm and comfortable, and after being pleased with how the rifle shoots, happily put it away until that first all-important day that we hunt in the fall or winter. I […]