
Targeting Wood Ducks

Targeting Wood Ducks By Nick Johnson Wood ducks are hands down my favorite duck species. Their curious behavior, the habitats they like to frequent, the male’s striking plumage, not to mention their meat is better than a lot of duck species in my mind. All of these things combined and more are what put wood […]


Plan a Guided Snowgoose Hunt

Plan a Guided Snowgoose Hunt By Nick Johnson Taking part in a guided snowgoose hunt is one of the many waterfowl hunting experiences that I will never forget. It started around midnight last spring during late march. My friend Eric Katzenmeyer and I were headed to the famous Northwest Missouri to hunt the spring snowgoose […]


Five Tips to Better Wingshooting

Five Tips to Better Wingshooting By Tim Ackarman “Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.” – Vince Lombardi NFL football players are naturally gifted athletes. Yet they spend much of the summer […]


An Epic Journey: Snow Goose Migrations

An Epic Journey: Snow Goose Migrations By Nick Johnson I can recall as a kid, staring blindly into the cobalt-blue spring sky searching for the source of strange bark sounds and low murmuring chatter. Brilliant white specks would appear, heading northward signaling that the annual spring snow goose migration was well underway. I never fathomed […]


Snow Geese: The Bonus Season!

Snow Geese: The Bonus Season! By Ryan Eder This season we have examined what it takes to be successful hunting Canada geese; from decoy spreads to the time of the year and everything in between on how to strategize for success in the field. Snow geese present many of the same challenges, along with additional […]


A Waterfowl Journey

A Waterfowl Journey By Nick Johnson It starts with a change. That first real bite of cold in early fall when the leaves have barely started to turn and daylight periods grow shorter. It isn’t a rapid change, but more of a coaxing that sends those first early migrants on their southward journey. Waterfowlers sense […]


Waterfowl Biologist Orrin Jones – Podcast


Patterning Your Waterfowl Shotgun

I love to joke with everyone and blame the choke in my gun for a poor shooting performance. “Man, I should have used a mod and not my full” is my signature tag line. The truth is, understanding your gun’s performance with different chokes is obviously important when we analyze our shooting performance in the […]


Purchasing a Waterfowl Gun

Even if I have been to the sporting goods store twice in a given week, I cannot leave without a visit to the gun counter. I have shouldered and looked at virtually every shotgun they have in stock, but for some reason I feel compelled to do it again, and again. On one hand I […]


Weather the Storm: Understanding Weather Patterns and Know They Impact Waterfowl Hunting

Most recreational hobbies revolve around nice weather. We love to go boating on a warm, sunny summer day. Even a skier loves a clear and sunny winter day after a nice powder snowfall. What makes us different as waterfowl hunters is that we live for the gloomy, misty and cold-front conditions with overcast skies and […]