
Snipe Hunting Defined
Snipe Hunting Defined By Nick Johnson Its dark out, you have your burlap sack and are prepared to make a series of loud, unnecessary vocalizations in hopes of luring the elusive snipe of lore you were sent out to capture. Your hoots and hollers shatter the dark silence of the forest, but no snipe shows. […]
Your New Puppy Pt. 4: Starting our Gundog
Your New Puppy Pt. 4: Starting our Gundog By Ryan Eder Finally, we have reached part 4 of our mini-series covering how to bring our puppy home, what to focus on, and how to progress in our training program. At this point we are ready to introduce the electronic collar, begin introductory field work and […]
Waterfowl Decoy Buyers Guide
Waterfowl Decoy Buyers Guide By Ryan Eder The waterfowl decoy business is competitive; there are so many choices and options where do you even begin? How do you know which brand to go with, what are (if any) the differences between each? Why are there different sizes? Do not overthink this purchase! I will simplify […]
Getting Ready for the 2021 Duck Hunting Season
Getting Ready for the 2021 Duck Hunting Season By Steve Weisman. When it comes to hunting and fishing, we all are at the mercy of Mother Nature. Cold fronts, pressure systems, winds, heavy rains, lack of rain…they all affect our hunting and fishing. However, I think that duck hunters are most at the mercy of […]
Field Hunting Mallards
Field Hunting Mallards By Nick Johnson As I looked through my binoculars, I couldn’t help feeling like an artillery battery waiting for the next wave of fighters. Checking the horizon for that distinct line in the sky. As I squinted harder I saw them! The first small wave followed by a much larger more intimidating […]
A Story of Safety
A Story of Safety By Drew Henry The ducks have been scouted. The spread has been set. You are waiting with sheer anticipation in your layout blind, blanketed over by the early morning darkness. You are blessed to have your father along on the hunt, both of you sipping hot coffee and taking in the […]
Decoying Waterfowl – Costly Mistakes
Decoying Waterfowl – Costly Mistakes By Nick Johnson Waterfowl hunting as a whole is a pretty straightforward concept. It is the different variables that factor in given the time of season that make it challenging and rewarding, maybe even frustrating. The variables that we cannot control such as weather, migration patterns, hunting pressure and even […]
Icy Water Divers
Icy Water Divers By Nick Johnson The air was frigid…so crisp and so cold that my breath froze to my facial hair in little icy droplets. The only sounds were the gentle gurgling of the river and the occasional crash of a floating ice chunk meeting a brief stopping point on its way down stream. […]
Hunting Iowa’s Common Waterfowl
Hunting Iowa’s Common Waterfowl By Nick Johnson Ive been an avid waterfowl hunter for many years and I still remember when I first found my love for the sport, one of the most fascinating aspects was the sheer diversity of species one could encounter. If my memory serves me right, there are 41 unique species […]
Waterfowl Boat Checklist
Waterfowl Boat Checklist By Ryan Eder Most hunters are “gear guys”; we want to have the right equipment for every situation and even if we do not need it, it helps us sleep at night knowing we are prepared anyway. The duck boat is a special place. It is a mobile hide that we essentially […]