
Duck Hunting Small Rivers
Duck Hunting Small Rivers By Nick Johnson Hunting ducks on smaller moving waters is less common in Iowa than one might think. How you define a smaller river is objective and really can be anything from a reasonable stream to something like the Des Moines River in the northern half of the state. What comes […]
Time to Learn: Waterfowl Calling 101
Time to Learn: Waterfowl Calling 101 By Ryan Graden Waterfowl hunting is a science. Collectively there are so many factors that play into your level of success in the field and it takes years to even begin to understand it all. I started hunting ducks and geese at an older age than most. At twenty […]
Preparing For Waterfowl Season
Preparing For Waterfowl Season By Nick Johnson The humid heat of summer keeps many of our minds averted from cupped wings and bobbing decoys. For a lot of hunters, myself included, it can be tough to get in the mindset of waterfowl hunting until the season is literally upon us. You rush to assemble the […]
What’s in a Hunt Test?
What’s in a Hunt Test? By Ryan J. Eder As bird hunters there is so much we enjoy about our experiences in the field. Shooting your limit of birds, enjoying time with family and friends, or simply taking in the outdoors are all part of those great experiences. I am going to be honest; I […]
Decoying Iowa Waterfowl: What You Need, and What You Need to Know
Decoying Iowa Waterfowl: What You Need, and What You Need to Know By Nick Johnson One of the most exciting aspects of waterfowl hunting is undoubtedly the use of decoys in fooling your quarry. Some make it simple and hike in or use a canoe or sneak boat to deploy a dozen or so decoys. […]
Early Season Duck Strategies
Early Season Duck Strategies By Nick Johnson The onset of duck season stirs many emotions in a waterfowl hunter. It often starts with super early mornings and mild weather and the hopes that any prior scouting missions will prove successful. This is a chance for hunters to knock the dust off their gear, which if […]
How to Win on Opening Day Waterfowl
How to Win on Opening Day Waterfowl By Ryan Eder There is something about opening day that gets us all excited. Whether it is the first day of school, a new job or the first home game of your favorite sports team, we find ourselves getting anxious in anticipation of “the day”. I cannot wait […]
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Keeping Opening Day Simple
Keeping Opening Day Simple By Ryan Eder Avery Outdoors, Southfork Retrievers You’ve heard the KISS model (“Keep it simple, stupid”) before right? It applies to many things, why not opening day? We await opening day with an intense feeling of anticipation and excitement, but sometimes we let it get the best of us with unnecessary […]
Kiss: Opening Day
Kiss: Opening Day By Ryan Eder You’ve heard the KISS model (“Keep it simple, stupid”) before right? It applies to many things, why not opening day? We await opening day with an intense feeling of anticipation and excitement, but sometimes we let it get the best of us with unnecessary overkill on what gear we […]