
Walleye Length Changes Coming in 2022

Walleye Length Changes Coming in 2022 By Steve Weisman When you catch a walleye in Iowa, there’s a good chance that the fish got its start in one of Iowa’s walleye hatcheries. Since walleye often don’t reproduce naturally in the state’s inland rivers and lakes, their populations must be maintained through the Iowa DNR’s stocking […]


Targeting Trophy Walleyes in the Fall

Targeting Trophy Walleyes in the Fall By Steve Weisman There is an old fishing adage that fall is prime time to catch trophy walleyes! For Shane Akin, full time guide in northwest Iowa and owner of Great Lakes Guide Service, that old adage is the truth. “There is no doubt that all gamefish put on […]


Devils Lake – On Every Ice Fisherman’s Bucket List

Devils Lake – On Every Ice Fisherman’s Bucket List Article courtesy of Devils Lake Tourism Will this be the season to find out why Devils Lake is on every ice fisherman’s Bucket List? Whether chasing perch (the favorite for most anglers), white bass, pike or walleye, Devils Lake has it all. The reasons start with […]


Change with the Weather to Catch More Fish this Fall

Change with the Weather to Catch More Fish this Fall By Todd Reed Fall has arrived here in Iowa. There have been many signs of this for quite some time; shorter days, crisp morning air, the turning of the leaves and the mysterious fog that settles in over lakes and ponds. Everything around us is […]


Cool Down for Summertime Success

Cool Down for Summertime Success By Billy Pryor We are all aware that any given summer day in Iowa is pretty much unpredictable. It may be a breezy 72 degrees with light fluffy clouds floating past or it may be a wildly windy day that you would not attempt to use a baitcaster. More often […]


Tactics for Pressured Fish

Tactics for Pressured Fish By Todd Reed September is upon us and nature is buzzing all around us.  Hunting seasons are starting to take shape and football takes center stage with many looking for entertainment.  September can also be a good time to get in a few more fishing trips before the weather turns cold. […]


Improving Walleye and Muskie Fishing In Iowa: Part 2

Improving Walleye and Muskie Fishing In Iowa: Part 2 By Ben Leal In the spring of 2016, we featured a very similar article discussing how the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and researchers from Iowa State University were working on improving the walleye and muskie fishing in Iowa. “We […]



Improving Walleye and Musky Fishing in Iowa Project Update

Improving Walleye and Musky Fishing in Iowa Project Update By Ben Leal Walleye always seem to be at the top of our favorite fish to chase here in Iowa. March begins the Walleye spawning run in many rivers and lakes, tempting fishermen and women out of hibernation to chase after them just after ice-out. Musky…the […]


Windy Walleyes

Windy Walleyes By Ben Leal When it comes to fishing in the wind there are two camps; there are the “I don’t fish in the wind” campers, and then there are the “I love fishing in the wind” campers. Ironically enough, both camps and fishing styles do yield results. But, when it comes to the […]


Shallow Water Spring Walleyes

Shallow Water Spring Walleyes By Nick Johnson Springtime is that classic time of year when walleye anglers get to dust off the open water gear and pursue this beloved species of fish in a wide array of scenarios and presentation styles. As I have mentioned before, the spring prespawn, spawn and post spawn periods of […]