
Setting Yourself up for Trapline Success
Setting Yourself up for Trapline Success By JD Rogge One factor most successful trappers have in common is their dedication to pre-season preparation and scouting. Pre-season prep can be the difference between meeting your season’s goals and falling woefully short of your expectations. I’ve known many trappers who prior to season claim to be ready […]
Whitetails 365: Septembers – Setting The Trap
Whitetails 365: Septembers – Setting The Trap By Tom Peplinski I’ve always wanted to be a trapper; running the trap line on vast amounts of acreage. The anticipation or waiting game after setting the trap…what could be waiting for me around the next bend as my set comes into view would be exhilarating! Well, maybe […]
Feline Fever: Calling Cats
Feline Fever: Calling Cats By Troy Hoepker Minutes of boredom followed by moments of exhilaration! That’s the feeling that accompanies calling bobcats. My heart began beating in a higher gear when I first spotted a feline bounding over the corn stubble towards my position. Their bounce is unmistakable. The next 20 minutes would give me […]
Cold Weather Raccoon Trapping
Cold Weather Raccoon Trapping By Chris Pohl Trapping in the late part of the season most generally means much colder temperatures along with frozen ground and lots of ice for most of Iowa. A lot of folks choose to pull their trap lines and pursue other interests when the weather takes a down turn, but […]
Simple, Effective Sets for your Trapline
Simple, Effective Sets for your Trapline By JD Rogge One common factor to most successful trapping lines is the ability to deploy a variety of simple yet very effective sets quickly, and with minimal equipment. Trappers at times tend to overcomplicate our craft, as is evident by some of the instructional material in print and […]
Encountering Iowa Bobcats
Encountering Iowa Bobcats When Bret Paulsen filled his archery tag with a 155 inch, eleven point bruiser of a buck in mid November, some would call it a very successful fall already. What he didn’t know at the time was just how incredible his month of November for 2011 was yet to be in Iowa’s […]
‘Rats and ‘Coons: Tried and True Sets
‘Rats and ‘Coons: Tried and True Sets As a long time trapper it is great to see a bit of resurgence in the sport over the last few years. While trapping took a hit during the late 80’s and all through the 90’s and 00’s it appears that many trappers are getting back into the […]
The Other Masked Bandit: The Badger
The Other Masked Bandit: The Badger I was sitting on the phones at work one day getting bored with no one answering the phone and having read every trapper magazine and book I could get my hands on, I got to thinking about writing some kind of article. But what could I write about that […]
Trapping Ol’ Bucktooth
Trapping Ol’ Bucktooth By Chris Pohl Beaver, by far, are some of my favorite animals to trap. For the most part, they aren’t that difficult to locate. They leave quite a bit of tell-tale signs and I have yet to have a farmer tell me that he didn’t want beaver removed from his property. So […]
Low Fur Prices? No Better Time to Start Trapping
Unfortunately the outlook for fur prices this year is, well no other way to put it, dismal. However there are still new trappers called to the sport every year with the same questions we veteran trappers had somewhere along the way. Common questions are where do I start, what animal should I target, what’s the […]