Trail Cameras

Trail Cameras: Maximize Success with a Plan of Attack!
Trail Cameras: Maximize Success with a Plan of Attack! By Noel Gandy Trail cameras have come a long way since the early 1980s when a group of students from Missouri State University looked for ways to study whitetail deer behavior for an assignment to complete their Masters. Since then we have gone from monstrous boxes […]
Using Trail Cameras with a Purpose
Using Trail Cameras with a Purpose By Aaron Stonehocker I wouldn’t exactly call myself “old school” out of respect of those who were hunting before the debut of Real Tree Camo, however I can attest that the game of hunting has changed way more than the game we are hunting in the short 13 years […]
Trail Cameras: Things you should be doing but probably aren’t
Trail Cameras: Things you should be doing but probably aren’t By Shawn and Kristi O’Connor The trail camera is the single most important advancement in hunting whitetails in the last 20 years. No other item in your hunting tool chest can help your success more than a trail camera. In the right hands, a trail […]
Deadly Rut Stand Strategies
Deadly Rut Stand Strategies By Ben Leal For much of the deer season, hunter efforts revolve around the rut. We quiz other hunters, watch our favorite hunting shows, and follow online threads all in an effort to pin point when the peak of the rut will occur. But once it’s here, what do we do […]
Shoot your trophy during the early season!
Shoot your Trophy during the Early Season! By Ricky Kinder October 1 is a date that archery hunters in Iowa treat as a holiday, as it is the opening day of archery season for whitetail! While those last few weeks always seem to drag on, the season will be here before we know it. Although […]
Hunting the Rut Phases and Strategies
Hunting the Rut Phases and Strategies The rut is a magical time that all whitetail hunters impatiently wait for all year long. As hunters we dedicate countless hours preparing for the upcoming season by spending time practicing shooting, planting food plots, checking trail cameras, setting blinds, and hanging tree stands. All of this preparation leads […]
First Day Success For Whitetail Shotgun Season
First Day Success For Whitetail Shotgun Season By Ricky Kinder Typically in Iowa during the first day of shotgun season for whitetails you will see groups of orange clad hunters chasing deer all over the place. The Iowa landscape is literally dotted with orange from border to border. The most common tactic used is large […]
Signs to Success
Signs to Success By Ryan Graden I had been sitting in this stand all evening. It was one of many long hour sits during November for one particular buck that I knew was in the “neck of the woods” that I was frequenting. He was not a buck of a lifetime, but he was a […]
Time to set your Tree Stand!
Time to set your Tree Stand! By Dan Johnson August is hot. August is humid. But if you’re like me, you’ve procrastinated too long and it’s the last chance to get some work done before the season starts. Because in September, I don’t step foot on the properties I hunt, except to maybe check some […]
Don’t Spook Deer Before the Hunt Starts!
Don’t Spook Deer Before the Hunt Starts! By Dan Johnson Right now a majority of you probably have your trail cameras out capturing the velvet rut and taking inventory of the bucks you will be hunting in the fall. Some of you have may have already been out in the timber scouting the properties you […]