The Iowa Sportsman

Easy Rut Hunting Tips to Utilize
Since the inception of hunting magazines there have been writers trying to give advice to the readers on how to kill “big bucks” during the rut. 10 tips for this, 5 tips for that, blah blah blah blah blah. Let’s face it, when you boil it down to the most common denominators, hunting the rut […]
Low Fur Prices? No Better Time to Start Trapping
Unfortunately the outlook for fur prices this year is, well no other way to put it, dismal. However there are still new trappers called to the sport every year with the same questions we veteran trappers had somewhere along the way. Common questions are where do I start, what animal should I target, what’s the […]
Rattling In Iowa: When, Where, Why and How
By now you’ve spent countless hours scouting local hunting areas or parcels of land that you have permission to hunt. Add hours spent on the range honing your bow shooting skills along with fine tuning your routine of drawing the bow through the release. It’s time to get out and put all that time and […]
November- The Hunt is On!
November- The Hunt is On! Many hunters count the days each year till season opener. How many hours do you have invested in the season before its even open? Money spent? In habitat management alone, I spend a solid weekend every month on my farm outside of hunting season. That’s 2 or 3 days a […]
Best Rut Tactics from Our Readers
The whitetail breeding season will soon be upon us and that equals a lot of excited hunters across the state of Iowa. In a time where hunting shows and the next big hunting celebrity seem to dominate views on hunting styles and tactics we wanted to give our readers some “real” knowledgeable information from people […]
5 Tips for The Rut: They’ll Only Cost You a Buck
Hunting an Iowa typical giant, a 145 inch 300+ pound 7-year-old with a 6 inch drop tine, a 155-inch non-typical ghost buck, a 160 inch typical eight point, and a buck that I never laid eyes on, or maybe he was never there? Each of these deer have a special place in my nightmares. You […]
Hunting Pressured Bucks
It’s early November and a cold front is coming through. The wind is absolutely perfect for you to hunt a stand that you have been daydreaming about all year. The barometric pressure is rising and the moon guide is showing favorable hunting conditions. You have done your scouting and have studied maps to find the […]
Fire Making Skills Tune Up
Picture this. You are at a remote camp ground as a guest and you notice that your friend is having a really hard time getting the campfire going. He has a huge pile of wood in the fire ring that is giving off a little white smoke but he just can’t get the wood to […]
Patterning Your Waterfowl Shotgun
I love to joke with everyone and blame the choke in my gun for a poor shooting performance. “Man, I should have used a mod and not my full” is my signature tag line. The truth is, understanding your gun’s performance with different chokes is obviously important when we analyze our shooting performance in the […]
Iowa River Monsters: The Quest for Flatheads
It’s not too often that I get to write an article about an actual fishing story. I’m not talking about the tale of Catfish Hunter or a story that grows with age, but rather a story of adventure, taking place right in the heart of Iowa. An annual adventure that started a few years back […]