The Iowa Sportsman

Tactics for Fall Channel Catfish
Tactics for Fall Channel Catfish By Brad Durick It seems that the summers fly by faster each and every year and this summer was the fastest of them all. Now as we look ahead we are entering the fourth quarter, the eighth inning so to speak. The good news is, now could be the best […]
Early Ice Iowa
Early Ice Iowa By Rod Woten Just because Iowa is on the southern edge of the ice belt, doesn’t mean we can’t take advantage of early ice. Obviously “early” is a relative term here since we usually lag behind our Minnesota brethren by a couple of weeks when it comes to setting foot on the […]
Pheasant Hunting Should Be Strategic Too!
Pheasant Hunting Should Be Strategic Too! By Dave Owens When it comes to pheasant hunting I think a lot of people think of it as an easy task. Grab your gun, shells, vest, boots, and hit the field to kick up some birds. While there might be some truth to that mentality, pheasant hunting should […]
So You Think Your Tough Enough?
So You Think You’re Tough Enough? By Ryan Graden I had an unusual year in the fall of 2010. Typically, I would be able to hunt bow season, shotgun season, and late muzzleloader season for whitetails using a combination of my regular hunting licenses and tenant’s licenses. However, that year my schedule would only allow […]
PVC? Is It Right for Me?
PVC? Is It Right for Me? By Ryan Graden The Start Being an avid hunter, I have enjoyed the outdoors for many years. It all began as a five year old double-timing my steps in order to keep up with the strides of my father, uncles, and grandfathers as they walked through the timber. Every […]
Perch Bite On At Big Spirit
Perch Bite On At Big Spirit By Steve Weisman For four years we have waited, and waited, and waited. That is 1460 days we have waited for a year class of perch to hit that 8-10 inch size on Big Spirit. Well by golly, they are back! Since the end of June, the perch bite […]
Top 10 Mistakes That Will Cost You Ducks
Top 10 Mistakes That Will Cost You Ducks By Ryan Eder When you look at figures and statistics regarding how many ducks the average duck hunter kills in a season you might be surprised. I am willing to bet the numbers are much lower than many of you would suspect. Why? Because hunting waterfowl successfully […]
Smallies in Iowa. Go Find Them!
Smallies in Iowa. Go Find Them! By Todd Reed A thump with a “zing” to your line can only mean one thing; a smallmouth bass has taken your offering. Smallmouth bass live all over the state and are sought after very heavily, especially in the summer months. If you have fished in an interior river […]
Purist or Progressive. Where Do You Stand?
Purist or Progressive – Where do you Stand? By Ryan Graden Progressive or Purist? Which one are you? Chances are that you probably lean towards one of these categories but your stance may vary on each end of the spectrum. In my 30 years of hunting I have had the privilege to see the sport […]
5 Killer Stand Locations
5 Killer Stand Locations By Sean Wuller Well it’s that time of year again, your November date with that deer of a lifetime is calling and there is work to do. By now food plots have been planted, mineral stations have been installed (per state regulations), trail cameras have been hung and the data from […]