
Voyageurs National Park Is A Winter Wonderland
Voyageurs National Park Is A Winter Wonderland Voyageurs National Park cloaked in its winter array is a beautiful, dramatic landscape of glistening snow, frozen lakes and frost-glazed pines. Article courtesy of Explore Minnesota There are few places to experience a winter vista largely free of roads and buildings, and it’s worth a trip to Voyageurs, […]
Snowmobiles: The New Rage?
Snowmobiles: The New Rage? By Rod Woten I am amazed how far snowmobiles and the sport of snowmobiling have come in the 40-ish years since I first threw a leg over one. I remember our old Ski-Doo and Rupp sleds fondly. At the time they seemed powerful, comfortable and agile. Fast forward 40 years and […]