
Cold Shot: Are you a fair weather shooter?
Cold Shot: Are you a fair weather shooter? By Steve Hensyel – Hawkeye Firearms Instruction Practice and training for all types of scenarios and situations is a routine many permit holders and gun owners prepare for, but is shooting in cold weather one that you also prepare for? My Dad used to say there are […]
Shooting Lanes, Summer Work Equals Fall Success
Shooting Lanes, Summer Work Equals Fall Success By Travis Molecki Summer is here a little early in the Midwest. The 90-degree days send me running to the air conditioning as opposed to cutting my grass. And while a day of yard work in the scorching heat isn’t real high on my priority list at the […]
Hunting the Rut Phases and Strategies
Hunting the Rut Phases and Strategies The rut is a magical time that all whitetail hunters impatiently wait for all year long. As hunters we dedicate countless hours preparing for the upcoming season by spending time practicing shooting, planting food plots, checking trail cameras, setting blinds, and hanging tree stands. All of this preparation leads […]
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Target Time Fun at the Range
Target Time Fun at the Range By Troy Hoepker There’s little I enjoy more than punching paper with a rifle fed with a new load to see how accurate it can shoot as well as how tightly I can place the groupings with my own skill. When achieved, those microscopic groupings are very self-satisfying and […]
Curing Target Panic
Curing Target Panic By Jim Westcott No two words put fear into an archer more than target panic! Target panic is actually an unpleasant psychological state that yields the inability to hold your sight on the target without causing a panicked release. Target panic actually has many symptoms and differs from person to person, such […]
Take a Newbie Shooting. Part 2
Take a Newbie Shooting. Part 2 By Barry B. Snell Once you arrive at the range, get all your gear unpacked, and you’re on the firing line and almost ready to go, it’s a good idea to stop and take a moment to go over the safety rules again. Your newbie is going to be […]
How Weather Affects Accuracy
How Weather Affects Accuracy By Troy Hoepker Many of us seek out a day to sight in our rifle when winds are calm, temperatures are warm and comfortable, and after being pleased with how the rifle shoots, happily put it away until that first all-important day that we hunt in the fall or winter. I […]
Whitetail Sidearms: Choosing A Handgun for Deer!
Whitetail Sidearms: Choosing A Handgun for Deer! By Michael Ware, CEO Controlled Chaos Arms The best handgun for deer hunting you ask? Wow. That’s a tall order. A question like that depends on so many variables there is no correct answer that is truly universal. As you know this really hinges on things like your […]