River fishing

Catfishing in the Off-Season
Catfishing in the Off-Season By Brad Durick It is nearing the end of the football season as I write this piece and I keep seeing and hearing references to the playoff teams that championships are won in the off season. The videos they play go back to recruiting or signing top players and current players […]
Catfish in the Mainstream
Catfish in the Mainstream By Brad Durick It is human nature to notice things that interest you. In the world of advertising this is called a hot button. You would not even raise an eyebrow to a radio ad about eye glasses unless you were in the market for a pair. You don’t notice that […]
Flatheads: Beyond Traditional
By Nick Johnson When one talks beyond traditional methods for catching fish, your mind will conjure up ideas of a new trick or an innovative tactic. A tactic that may be guarded secretly by those who practice the technique with wild success. When the words – flathead catfish – are mixed in with this talk, […]
Catfish in the Mainstream
By Brad Durick It is human nature to notice things that interest you. In the world of advertising this is called a hot button. You would not even raise an eyebrow to a radio ad about eye glasses unless you were in the market for a pair. You don’t notice that blue F-150 until you […]
Fly Fishing for Stream Carp: Iowa’s Bonefish
By: Nick Johnson Arguably the hardest fight I have ever experienced on a fly rod did not come from a 4lb smallmouth bass, or a 20″ cutthroat trout, or even a pike, all of which I have landed on fly gear. No, the hardest fight came from an average sized common carp a few miles […]
Top Five Flathead Baits
By Brad Durick In the world of catfishing it seems we hear about the mighty blue cat or the abundant channel cat more often than their big cousins with bad attitudes, the flathead. Ok, the flathead is pretty popular too. The anglers who love flatheads seem to have an addiction for catfish that is a […]