River fishing

End of Year Reflection on Fishing Season
End of Year Reflection on Fishing Season By Todd Reed The leaves are now orange and on the ground, another fishing season is coming to an end. While this season is coming to a close another ice fishing season is around the corner. However, as anglers we all need to take a few minutes and […]
Breaking Down New Catfish Water
Breaking Down New Catfish Water By Brad Durick Everyone likes to go to new places and experience the fishing those places have to offer. These new places may be a different part of your home river or lake; or a trip all the way across the country to try something totally different. Some people enjoy […]
The Geography of Catfishing
The Geography of Catfishing By Brad Durick When you are sitting along a river bank or in your river boat have you ever just taken a moment to look around? Have you ever just sat and studied the banks? Looked at what is happening at every bend? If you have, you understand more about how […]
Crappy Weather Catfish
Crappy Weather Catfish By Brad Durick Anyone who fishes on a regular basis knows you can’t always avoid the weather. A little shower or storm will erupt and will pass. Sometimes it’s more than a little shower and we have to know when to pull the pin and get off the water. It is all […]
Catfishing: What Line Should I Use?
Catfishing: What Line Should I Use? By Brad Durick Let’s see if we can start a fight shall we? What kind of line is the best for catfishing? This is the point where some rooms can get heated up with all the reasons why one line is better than the other lines that are available […]
Learning from your Catfishing Mistakes
Learning from your Catfishing Mistakes By Nick Johnson It was nearly twenty years ago when I caught my first catfish. It was not by design, but rather a welcomed surprise while fishing for bluegills with a small chunk of worm at Badger “Kennedy” Lake on the north edge of Fort Dodge. This did not spark […]
Ways to Catch Summer Catfish on the River
Ways to Catch Summer Catfish on the River By Brad Durick Catching catfish on the surface looks pretty easy and it is. One of the beautiful things about catfishing in the 21st century is it can be as simple or as difficult as you want it to be. Ways to catch catfish are many. In […]
Catfishing Always Presents Challenges: You can be Prepared
Catfishing Always Presents Challenges: You can be Prepared By Brad Durick It seems if you catfish it is inevitable that something will happen that can turn your day upside down. Most of this is out of your control. If you fish enough you know how this can go all too well. You know that little […]
Avoid the Bust: Select the Right Outfitter
Avoid the Bust: Select the Right Outfitter By Ryan Eder Sometimes as a writer I struggle to find new topics to discuss in an article. This month, however, my inspiration came easily as I had arguably the worst waterfowl hunting experience with an outfitter this season. Selecting an outfitter can be difficult; there are several […]
Catfishing the Ice Out and Cold Water Period
Catfishing the Ice Out and Cold Water Period By Brad Durick Northern winters can get long especially for the catfish anglers of summer. These guys have been patiently waiting all winter for their beloved lakes and rivers to open up so they can get back at it. So after a long winter of laying around […]